悠忽[yōu hū]
[书] lazy and idle
1. 只是中介会悠忽你说难而已,自己申吧。
We will be together, no matter, HK or Oz wherever
2. 悠忽
2. 这些在空中悠忽飘荡变化莫测的云朵,为人们带来了神奇,成为人们夜晚闲谈争论的资料,更让孩子们在睡梦中猜想,为恬淡的乡村生活增添了几分朦胧乐趣。
The drift in the air You Hu vagaries of clouds for people to bring magic into people's information night chat controversy has kept the children in their sleep conjecture for the tranquil village life has added a bit hazy fun.
3. 悠忽是什么意思
3. 悠忽间,您在这无边无际的墨绿中,竟然发现了一片炫目的火红,如同一大团熊熊燃烧的烈焰,悬挂在白马山的峭壁上。
Leisurely and suddenly, you discovered one dazzling fire unexpectedly in the dimensionless dark yellowish green here red, hang on the crag of white horse mountain like the blazing flame of one big regiment flaming combustion.
4. 清晨为朝霞,薄暮为夕晖,彩云朵朵,悠忽蓝天;既向往那永久的家乡,又眷恋于所离开的故土。
Yet human life never really ends either——for this endless, eternal road is paved with the bones of the heroes and the criminals, with the ashes of the saints and the sinners.