

息金[xī jīn]



息金 双语例句

1. 123,持续在到期时的息金,但并没有偿还任何金钱的血本。
    Has been making the interest payments when due but has not repaid any of the capital.

2. 处营运基金无须面对重大的现金流量利率风险,因为其持有的主要金融工具都不是浮息金
    Fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The LRTF is not exposed to materialfloating rate.

3. 息金是什么意思

3. 有的债券是在每年固定日期支付息金
    At a designated future date plus a fixed amount of interest.

4. 它为深圳和香港股市的投资者回报五厘息金,再把收益用于更大更好的设备上面。
    It has offered shares in five subsidiaries to investors on the stockmarkets in Shenzhen and Hong Kong and spent the proceeds on bigger and better facilities.

5. 是在每年固定日期支付息金
    Pay the interest at designated intervals (i. e., on a specific date each year).

6. 息金的解释

6. 它为深圳和香港股市的投资者回报五厘息金,再把收益用于更大更好的设备上面。
    It has offered shares in five subsidiaries to investors onthe stockmarkets in Shenzhen and Hong Kong and spent the proceeds onbigger and better facilities.

7. 息金是什么意思

7. 不但支息金,还想拔提一点存款呢!
    Not only interest; they even wanted repayment of part of their loans too!
