

息影[xī yǐng]

词典retire from public life退隐;息影;退归林下。

息影 汉英大词典

息影[xī yǐng]

[书] retire from public life

息影 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. make one's final appearance in films:几部著名的影片 some of the well-known films | 息影 make one's final appearance in films | 扮演自己 play oneself

息影 双语例句

1. 如果息影意味着我今后一切又会从头开始,那我也不得不接受现实。
    If that means I have to go to the back of the queue as far as acting is concerned, then I just have to accept that.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 于是我息影了。。。可在我休息期间我在制作Navigator节目
    45 So I took a rest… but during my rest, I was working on Navigator program.

3. Jean:如果他真的息影的话,那他其他的粉丝们肯定也会失望了。
    The last film I saw him in was called'Music and Lyrics'and I liked it a lot.

4. 息影

4. 张国立表示,他目前还没有息影的打算。
    He also expressed that he wouldn`t stop acting.

5. 息影什么意思

5. 就是说,她虽然没有宣布息影,但实际上已经是了。
    You know, she didn`t say she`s retired, but actually she is. So this is good.

6. 在息影之后,这个过去的的电影明星出现在他首度执导的电影开幕夜上。
    The former movie star made his first appearance after retirement in the opening night of his first directing movie.

7. 息影

7. 自从他息影以来一直过着隐居的生活。
    He's been living in seclusion since he retired from acting.

8. 息影

8. “处阴息影”是嘲笑病态患者,更不能比为研究者;
    " Evading the shadow of oneself in shade " is a sneer at an abnormal state sufferer, not even comparison with the researcher;

9. 他在息影多年后重出江湖,准备参加一部喜剧的拍摄。
    After having stopped acting for many years, he made his reappearance in a comic role.

10. 章子怡愿为心上人息影
    Zhang Ziyi willing to give up actin.

11. 那位息影三年的影星,打算本月复出。
      The star plans to make a comeback after three years rest.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 息影那一年,她与日本外交官大鹰弘结婚,后者于2001年逝世。
      She married Hiroshi Otaka, a Japanese diplomat, the same year. He died in 2001.

13. 息影的近义词

13. 如果布拉德皮特真的在50岁前息影,那么,《僵尸世界大战》可能是他出演的最后一部作品。
      If Pitt does end up quitting acting by age50, could his last film end up being'World War Z'?

14. 一个人要经历漫长达20年的失意而不放弃自己的事业是一件了不起的事情,当时,为了迎合观众的口味弗拉斯达德主要演唱轻歌剧,这类歌剧根本就不符合她的气质和音色,但是,她依然不肯息影舞台,不过,在那段日子里弗拉斯达德并没有刻意学过瓦格纳歌剧,她本人对瓦格纳的兴趣也很不稳定,日后能成为杰出的瓦格纳女高音连弗拉斯达德自己也有些吃惊。
      Her first major appearances were in London singing Isolde and Brunhilde. She sang four seasons at the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, and then appeared in a fabled production of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas at the Mermaid Theater. She returned to the Metropolitan Opera in 1950 and during her final seasons there sang Brunhilde, Isolde, Fidelio, and the title role in Gluck's Alceste, the role of her farewell. In 1949 and 1950, she appeared in Fidelio at the Salzburg Festival, her only appearances there.

15. “处阴息影”是嘲笑病态患者,更不能比为研究者;
      " Evading the shadow of oneself in shade " is a sneer at an abnormal state sufferer, not even comparison with the researcher;

16. 他透露︰「我想要息影一阵子。
      I wanted to stop acting for a little bit.
