

恩威并用[ēn wēi bìng yòng]


词典apply the carrot and stick judiciously恩威并用。

恩威并用 汉英大词典

恩威并用[ēn wēi bìng yòng]

apply the carrot and stick judiciously

恩威并用 网络解释

1. Alternate weakness with severity:家丑不外扬 Don't wash your dirty linen in public. | 恩威并用 Alternate weakness with severity. | 旁观者清 The outsider sees the best of the game.

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2. apply the carrot and stick judiciously:恩同再造--a favor tantamount to giving sb. a new lease of life | 恩威并用--apply the carrot and stick judiciously | 耳根清静--peace of mind achieved by staying away from nagging

恩威并用 双语例句

1. 恩威并用是什么意思

1. 面对这种窘境,奥巴马对通用汽车和克莱斯勒选择了一剂恩威并用的猛药。
    Facing this quandary, Mr. Obama has chosen to deliver a dramatic dose of tough love to General Motors and Chrysler.

2. 第二,恩威并用
    Second, and Mathias.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 里根政府的对外政策特点是:意识形态色彩较浓,加强武力威胁;对第三世界国家恩威并用;经济政策上的霸权主义突出:在国际组织和国际会议上经常违抗绝大多数国家的意志和利益。
    Undeniably, the Reagan Administration did win some score for the past four years.

4. 如果情况需要,想把他们突然拉下马,而不可能保证一举成功,那么唯一的办法是继续不断地恩威并用,赏罚交替,使他们如同迷失在树林里,晕头转向。
    As for the pulling of them down, if the affairs require it, and that it may be done with safety suddenly, the only way is the interchange, continully, of favours and disgraces; whereby they may not know what to expect, and be, as it were, in a wood.

5. 一个君主在新建立的君主国里靖内攘外,招揽四方朋友,靠武力或诈术出奇制胜,让人民既爱戴又畏惧,使士兵既服从又尊敬,消灭一切可能会伤及自身的仇敌,靠新的办法恢复原来的秩序,恩威并用,慷慨大度,解散不忠实的军队,建立一支新军,与别国的国王及诸侯友好往来,让他们造福于自己,给自己带来好处,或者不敢轻易攻击——那么,任谁也找不到比瓦伦蒂诺公爵更鲜明的例—子了。
    And be should never have accepted for the papacy those cardinals whom he had offended or who, having become pope, would have to be afraid of him.

6. 恩威并用

6. 她能做到对孩子们恩威并用
    She manages to be firm yet kind with the kids.
