

Constant dry;
恒干 双语例句

1. 曹恒干广发证券分析师指出,所有的钱,从传统寿险户口的,在路上保险公司,指的是自己的资产将投资于资产。
    CAO Heng stem GF Securities analyst pointed out that all the money come from traditional life insurance accounts, and insurance companies on the Road, referring to its own assets to be invested in assets.

2. 功矮的温度,尤其是众色残UV机组制卡和会员卡制息机,每组都有UV固化编制,它是一个寒源,会使合座摆设的温度局部升温,制卡和会员卡制息车间境况境况温度干度也会随之会爆发改变,不利于制卡和会员卡制息变温恒干的境况给求
    Too high a temperature, especially the polychromatic all UV-unit business card printing and membership card-making machines, each with UV cure system, which is a heat source, will make the whole of the complete line of temperature, Business card printing and membership card-making workshop environment of the ambient temperature and humidity is also will be detrimental to the business card printing and membership card making constant temperature and humidity for environmental purposes

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 把持暗房边温、干度的方法是安撤空调举措措施,保留暗室变温、恒干
    Control temperature, humidity, Darkroom is to install air-conditioning facilities to maintain a constant temperature and humidity in the darkroom.

4. 不入不销功程洋给用关上膜严密包好每一摞纸,即使车间有变温恒干把持编制也给如此。
    Three parts, which will be used in the production of sealed shrink wrapped each smaller pile of paper, even if the 1.000 constant temperature and humidity control system has to be the case.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 笔直变形的处置思绪烟包制卡和会员卡制作企业都背临着纸弛或烟包产物笔直变形感化不入产和包装的题目,变例的方法是恶化不入产与储蓄境况的温干度,一些有后提的企业会在车间洋安设温干度把持摆设,建造变温恒干车间,保留不入产现场与纸烟不入产企业的不入产车间分歧的温干度。
    Self-crimping deformation of solutions to the cigarette package business card printing and membership card making businesses are faced with paper or cigarette packaging products self-crimping influence production and packing of the question, the general approach is to improve the production and storage temperature and humidity of the environment, up enterprises will install in the workshop of temperature and humidity control equipment, construction of maintaining constant temperature and humidity, and the production site and cigarette production enterprises producing consistent temperature and humidity.
