1. 台州恒固胶业有限公司是一家专业生产胶粘剂的企业,公司集产品的生产、研究与开发与一身,并具有多年的历史。
Taizhou Tsunekata plastic Industry Co., Ltd is a professional production of adhesives business, the company set production, research and development and one, and have years of history.
2. 恒固的反义词
2. 家庭的潜移默化和从小在故宫内的生活经历培养了他对文物的最初兴趣,而在中央工艺美术学院的受教育经历则为他的文物收藏兴趣和艺术创作热情之间架起一座恒固的桥梁。
Under the family influence and childhood live in The Palace Museum, he has developed the very first interest to antiques; and the educational background in ChinaCentralAcademy has constructed a solid bridge between his antique collecting interest and passion to art creation.