

恍然若失[huǎng rán ruò shī]

词典feel like having lost bearings恍然若失。

词典feel lost怅然若失;恍然若失;不知所措。

恍然若失 汉英大词典

恍然若失[huǎng rán ruò shī]

feel like having lost bearings; feel lost

恍然若失 网络解释

1. Oftmals in Gedanken steh'n:Und ich bleibe vor den Bäumen我常常站在树下 | Oftmals in Gedanken steh'n.恍然若失. | Schaue nach dem einen Blatte,我要找一片叶子,

恍然若失 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 我一直热切地等待着,等待她发育成熟时,对这终极之美的惊鸿一瞥。但是现在,她活生生地触目可及了,我却为这样的完美而倾倒,竟恍然若失,不知该如何呵护她。
    I had been waiting impatiently for this ultimate apparition of fully developed beauty, but now that it was actually here I was at a loss how to deal with it, overwhelmed by such perfection.
