

急功近利[jí gōng jìn lì]


词典be anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits急功近利。

词典eager for quick success and instant benefits急功近利。

词典seek quick success and instant benefits急功近利。

急功近利 汉英大词典

急功近利[jí gōng jìn lì]

be anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits; eager for quick success and instant benefits; seek quick success and instant benefits

急功近利 网络解释

1. eager for instant success and quick profits:计费方法/ 按秒计费/ 按分计费Calculating telephone fees/per-second calculation/ per-minute calculation | 急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits | 机构重叠organizational overlapping

2. There is no shortcut on study:Unconditional loyalty to your teachers' wrong唯师独尊(心态和体制上的问题), | There is no shortcut on study. 急功近利, | Rigidity of academic disciplines 学科僵化-学科管理问题(转换专业的问题

3. 急功近利什么意思

3. quick result and immediate profit:机制 mechanism | 急功近利quick result and immediate profit | 集约化经营intensive management

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. go for quick gains:吉兆 good omen | 急功近利 go for quick gains | 急人所急 share will and woe with others
