


词典scold furiously怒叱。

怒叱 网络解释

1. khumseti:simsapa 申恕(樹名) | khumseti 怒叱 | tam 那個

怒叱 双语例句

1. 怒叱

1. 我的小学老师因为我曾经立志要拾荒而怒叱我,却不知道,我成长后第一个碰见的专业拾荒人居然是一个小学老师变过来的,这实在是十分有趣的事情。
    My elementary school teacher because I was determined to scavengers and Nuchi I do not know, I first met after the growth of professional scavengers who actually is a change from the primary school teachers, it is very interesting thing.

2. 怒叱的反义词

2. 她怒叱道。
    She spat.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 玛拉临死前斥责杰森,怒叱他投向黑暗面,使用西斯的诡计,这意味着杰森已经像当年的帕尔帕廷一样邪恶。
    As she died, Mara railed against Jacen, claiming that he his transgression to the dark side and adoption of Sith methods meant he was as evil as Palpatine had once been.
