1. aypp:一命呜呼ayoo | 怆痛aypp | 来访ayqd
1. 怆痛什么意思
1. 我渴望拥她入怀,抚平她心中怆痛。
I longed to take her in my arms and hug the hurt away.
2. 怆痛的反义词
2. 先生呀,先生,我为大公主和王后玛丽·安东尼特叫屈,但是我也为那个信仰新教的穷妇人叫屈,那穷妇人在一六八五年大路易当国的时候,先生呀,正在给她孩子喂奶,却被人家捆在一个木桩上,上身一丝不挂,孩子被放在一旁;她乳中充满乳汁,心中充满怆痛;那孩子,饥饿不堪,脸色惨白,瞧着母亲的乳,有气无力地哭个不停;刽子手却对那做母亲和乳娘的妇人说:`改邪归正!
Jourdan-Coupe-Tete is a monster; but not so great a one as M.
3. 怆痛什么意思
3. 听着,我知道你们历经怆痛
But shouldn't you just leave him alone?
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 这心头的怆痛和肉体所受千桩
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks? ?? ? ?
5. 怆痛
5. 总理办公室发布了一份审计长的信函,对报告草案被泄露给《印度时报》(TheTimesofIndia)而引起的巨大尴尬和怆痛表示遗憾。
It also released a letter from the auditor-general expressing regret that the leak of the draft report to The Times of India had caused great embarrassment and deep anguish.
6. 她乳中充满乳汁,心中充满怆痛;
Her breast swelled with milk and her heart with anguish;