

怅然若失[chàng rán ruò shī]

词典feel lost怅然若失;恍然若失;不知所措。

词典become lost in a deep reverie怅然若失。

词典be in a despondent mood怅然若失;惆怅若失。

怅然若失 汉英大词典

怅然若失[chàng rán ruò shī]

feel lost; become lost in a deep reverie; be in a despondent mood

怅然若失 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 有一天,两人在树下乘凉饮茶,肩吾对孙叔敖说:「一般做过官的人衣锦还乡大都兴建豪宅,围起高高的篱笆,深怕别人抢夺他的钱财,危害他的生命;而你曾经三度为相,当你做宰相时,我感觉不出你家的老宅子有什么改变,当你三度罢相,这一回,你告老还乡,我也感觉不出你有什么怅然若失之态。
    When you were minister, we did not find the change of your old house.

2. 怅然若失的近义词

2. 在睡梦中梦见参加宴会大吃大喝好不愉快,突然之间由梦中惊醒,此时常有懊恼怅然若失的感觉。
    Ingurgitation in banquet in dream is very happy. Sudden wakening up from dream makes you feel something lost and regretful.

3. 怅然若失的翻译

3. 而接受褒奖者,为了这座广受万人称颂的牌坊,必须牺牲自己,让自己独守空闺,忍受著寂寞的煎熬度日;而万一其人在得到奖牌,受到大家的瞩目之后,却又因耐不住寂寞而犯错,因而被摘掉了牌坊,其怅然若失与恐惧的心情,也只有他自己才能深刻体会了。
    The receiver had to keep single and stay alone for her life. If she receive the torii and become a household name but later on, it is cancelled because of her fault, then, she would be regretted and terrify by the bad-mouth coming from neighbors. At that time the feeling of loss only the woman involved understood.

4. 怅然若失的意思

4. 范安翔的作品始终带着一种怅然若失的孤独感,他的画面融合了国画中用以寄物抒情的景物描绘、略具卡通气质的人物和代表城市化特征的象征物,以精致地笔触描绘了一个身处物质社会的时尚青年在中国传统文化中寻找温暖依靠的梦想。
    Fan Anxiang`s work has a despairing loneliness; on the surface of his paintings we see a fusing of emotion-imbued scenes from traditional Chinese painting, cartoon-like figures and symbolic objects representing urbanization. With delicate brushwork, these create the image of a fashionable youth living in a consumer society while also searching for the dream of a comfort in traditional Chinese culture.

5. 怅然若失

5. 光曜眯著眼,想仔细地端详无有的样子,以解除她的迷惑,与怅然若失的心情。
    Guangyao narrowed her eyes to watch Wuyou so that she could remove bewilderment and disappointment.

6. 怅然若失多年之后,又开始做起尤伯罗斯的梦想,虽然没有经过沙场秋点兵,但最终还是受命于危难之际般不分青红皂白地赤膊上阵了。2004年,当我彻底走出清华的考博梦想就坠入了中国残奥会与代表团的市场化运营项目之中,虽然管理权限属中国残疾人联合会但仍属于国内率先市场化运作的奥林匹克,当年年底运营权限划归北京奥组委。
    Dies after many years apart, Youboluosi start with a dream, although no soldiers on the battlefield autumn, But ultimately the occasion of the appointment at a difficult time as a string of random and indiscriminate.2004. When I was completely out of Tsinghua's Kao Bo dream of the Chinese Paralympic delegation plunged into a market-oriented operation projects, Although management authority but still belong to the China Disabled Persons Federation is the first market-oriented operation of the Olympic, operating under the authority of the end of BOCOG.

7. 沉重的精神打击使他在以后的悼亡诗词中一再流露出哀惋凄楚的不尽相思之情和怅然若失的怀念心绪。
    Heavy against the spirit of his poetry in the future Mourn repeatedly expressed Aiwanqianchu not love the feeling of nostalgia and Changranreshi mood.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 红了樱桃绿了芭蕉,年年岁岁的人生中与我们擦肩而过的那些机缘,有多少让我们怅然若失痛心疾首?
    Red Cherry green plantains, the mid-life figure who eluded us the opportunity, Let us dies, apart from the number of extremely bitter?

9. 但丈夫的离去,国家的灭亡,带给她沉重的打击,使她玉颜憔悴,怅然若失
    But her husband's departure, the country's demise, brought her a heavy blow to her Yuk Ngan, Becky gaunt, saw it.

10. 怅然若失

10. 十一回家,有半个月的时间不能来词霸看看,忽然有点怅然若失的感觉。
    In national day, I went back. so i could not go to ICIBA's committe.

11. 怅然若失的近义词

11. 在一个物质文明正在高度发展的时代,我们怅然若失,如同“丢丢”走入森林;
      We're living in era of expanding materialized civilization, we're wilder, it's kind like " Diu Diu " walks into forest;

12. 缓步走在第八大道,怅然若失地置身于纽约的人群之中。
      Strolling down eighth avenue, lost in crowds of new yorkers.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 他走了,嘉莉感到怅然若失
      She felt something lost to her when he moved away.

14. 占用他这么多时间,令我感到内疚,可是到了傍晚我离开之时,他似乎总是怅然若失
      I feel guilty taking up so much of his day, but he always seems disappointed when I leave at the end of the afternoon.

15. 怅然若失什么意思

15. 因此,当一个朋友决定断开这种联系时,一个人将无法不像失去一个爱人怅然若失
      Therefore, when a friend decides to break off this connection, one can't help but feel the loss as they would a lover.

16. 怅然若失在线翻译

16. 不过在我心灰意懒,怅然若失之际,我便轻轻打开衣橱的门,在那精彩纷呈的里面,就藏着米歇尔?德?蒙田的披风,还微微地散发出樟脑的气息呢。
      But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden behind everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel de Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.

17. 重要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开后,多少人会怅然若失
      What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.

18. 她坐在轮椅上样样事情都能做,他以为她会为此而自豪的,但她仅仅把这视为一件理所当然的事,并无自豪感可言。发现这一点后,他不免有些怅然若失
      He expected her to be proud of her ability to do everything from her seat in the wheelchair & and was faintly disappointed to see that she would not feel pride at what was, for her, simply a matter of course.

19. 我只见过他几面,却觉得心中怅然若失悲伤不已。
      I've only met him several times, but right now I feel this big empty hole in my heart.

20. 怅然若失什么意思

20. 在一个物质文明正在高度发展的时代,我们怅然若失,如同“丢丢”走入森林;
      We're living in era of expanding materialized civilization, we're wilder, it's kind like " Diu Diu " walks into forest;
