

忸忸怩怩[niǔ niǔ ní ní]

词典in an embarrassed manner忸忸怩怩。

忸忸怩怩 汉英大词典

忸忸怩怩[niǔ niǔ ní ní]

in an embarrassed manner:

  例:她和生人在一起, 总是忸忸怩怩

    She is always bashful among strangers.

忸忸怩怩 双语例句

1. 好了,别忸忸怩怩了,走,咱们喝一杯去!
    Come on, let's go and have a drink!

2. 忸忸怩怩

2. 他真是个忸忸怩怩的人啊!
    Such a modest man as he is!

3. 忸忸怩怩是什么意思

3. 他忸忸怩怩走到她跟前请她跳舞。
    He sidled up/over to her and asked her to dance.

4. 她和生人在一起,总是忸忸怩怩
    She is always bashful among strangers.

5. 忸忸怩怩在线翻译

5. 这里有一个姑娘显然是忸忸怩怩地被推进里面的人圈。
    Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance.

6. 忸忸怩怩是什么意思

6. 她仍然装出一副天真少女的忸忸怩怩的样子,扭动着身子,像被人搔痒似的,连连说道
    She had the parchment skin and changeless features peculiar to old maids whom no one ever knew in their younger years.

7. 忸忸怩怩的反义词

7. 在此之前,我根本就看不到人的存在,因为作者一直忸忸怩怩地说一些既含糊又毫无意义的话而迟迟不肯露面。
    Up to that point no person has been visible because the writer has been making this self conscious construction, the lead, full of 5vague generalizations, that has no life of its own.

8. 他不像一般乡里小伙子那样忸忸怩怩,而是在说话的时候热切地望着别人的眼睛。
    He did not hesitate like a farmer boy, but looked one eagerly in the eye when he spoke.
