

志大才疏[zhì dà cái shū]

词典have great ambition but little talent志大才疏。


词典have grandiose aims but puny abilities眼高手低;志大才疏。

词典ambitious but incompetent志大才疏。

词典have ability unequal to the great task one sets oneself志大才疏。

词典hitch one's waggon to a star立雄心,志大才疏。

志大才疏 汉英大词典

志大才疏[zhì dà cái shū]


have great ambition but little talent; have grandiose aims but puny abilities; ambitious but incompetent; have ability unequal to the great task one sets oneself; have capacities not commensurate with one's vaulting ambitions; have high aspirations but lit

志大才疏 网络解释

1. 志大才疏的意思

1. avoir les yeux plus grands que le ventre:entre quatre yeux 面对面(知己之间). | avoir les yeux plus grands que le ventre 志大才疏. | entre tout yeux, tout oreilles 全神贯注.

2. 志大才疏的反义词

2. hitch ones waggon to a star:in the same camp 志同道合 | hitch one's waggon to a star 志大才疏 | all kinds of strange things 千奇百怪

3. danci.911cha.com

3. more ambition than talent:moral education 道德教育 | more ambition than talent 志大才疏. | More haste, less speed. 欲速不达.

4. 志大才疏

4. to have great ambition but little talent:雪中送炭 to send charcoal in snowy weather (offer timely help) | 志大才疏 to have great ambition but little talent | 一箭双雕 to kill two birds with one stone

志大才疏 双语例句

1. 他这个人志大才疏
    He has great ambition but little talent.

2. 有抱负,但又有志大才疏之感。
    Have the ambition, but also a sense of Zhitaicaishu.

3. 然而,志大才疏的她唯一能作的就是尽可能维持自己的面子。
    However ambitious she might be, what she is able to is refusal to do anything beneath her dignity due to her mediocrity.

4. 这已经是一场利益之争了。辩论的一方在社会文化中得势,不过王教授这个人,显得志大才疏,不然不会一次信口雌黄,二次信口雌黄,……。
    Does that mean he is top of the 1% in China.

5. e.g。他们很反感那些眼高手低、志大才疏的人。
    They revolt at those who have great ambition but little ability.

6. 塔勒斯·奥菲狄乌斯是个极其平庸而常见的人物,志大才疏,无情无义,这类人物如今似乎正在统治着整个世界,或者是很大的一部分。
    Tullus Aufidius is that very commonly-encountered figure, the mediocrity whose ambition and ruthlessness is greater than his capacity: the type that now seems to rule the world, or a very large part of it.

7. 整天幻想的拉里是个穷得响叮当的倒霉蛋,虽然总觉得天降大任,他一定能干点惊天动地的大事,不知是志大才疏,还是纯粹不走运,总之他的瞎点子从来没有成真过。
    Divorcedalso has a son he, in order to support the family gets by, lives anappearance, can not but reluctantly accept in the museum when guardsthe work, it can be imagined he has the oversensitive unwillingsentiment not to hope.
