

志同道合[zhì tóng dào hé]

词典cherish the same ideals and follow the same path志同道合。


词典be in the same camp志同道合。

词典have a common goal志趣相投;志同道合。

词典have similar ideals and beliefs志同道合。


词典in the same camp志同道合。

志同道合 汉英大词典

志同道合[zhì tóng dào hé]


cherish the same ideals and follow the same path; be in the same camp; have a common goal; have similar ideals and beliefs; have the same aspirations and persuasion; hit it off well together; get on with someone; like-minded; people having the same princip

志同道合 网络解释

1. 志同道合

1. speak the same language:speak of the devil 说曹操曹操到 | speak the same language 志同道合 | spell out sth 讲清楚

2. after one's own heart:free and easy 自由自在 | after one's own heart 志同道合 | in the same boat 同病相怜

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. in the same camp:in the same breath 同时 | in the same camp 志同道合 | in the same oven 处于相同的困境

4. danci.911cha.com

4. We sang the same song:Let's get it straight 打开天窗说亮话吧 | We sang the same song 志同道合 | I need to keep the pot boiling 我需要维持生计
