






心宿 双语例句

1. 心宿的解释

1. 在上方距心宿二稍远一些的亮星是天蝎座 Sigma,它也被星云所包围着。
    The large globular cluster M4 is just to the right of Antares, and a smaller globular (NGC 6144) is just to the upper right of Antares.

2. 其中角宿象征龙的头角,亢宿是龙的颈,氐宿是龙的胸,房宿是龙的腹,心宿是龙的心,尾宿、箕宿是龙的尾巴。
    Spica symbol of the Long Tau Kok, is neck-neck is serious procedural dragon's chest places, the places is the dragon's belly, heart places the heart of the Dragon, tail places, Kei Lung places is the tail.

3. M4是一个肉眼可见的球状星团,位于天蝎座心宿二的东面约一度位置。M4可能是最靠近我们的球状星团距离约7000光年,这意味着我们看到的是7000年以前的M4,即人类历史有文字记载的开始阶段,它跨越50光年包含有数10万颗恒星。M4是已知在尺度及包含恒星数量上最小的球状星团。M4独特之处是它中心的棒状结构。
    Explanation: M4 is a globular cluster visible in dark skies about one degree west of the bright star Antares in the constellation Scorpius. M4 is perhaps the closest globular cluster at 7000 light years, meaning that we see M4 only as it was 7000 years ago, near the dawn of recorded human history. Although containing hundreds of thousands of stars and spanning over 50 light-years, M4 is one of the smallest and sparsest globular clusters known. A particularly unusual aspect for a globular cluster is M4's central bar of stars.

4. 心宿是什么意思

4. 可以看的出来,delta虽然没有心宿二亮,但也不比它差多少。
    It was not as bright as Antares but not that inferior to it.

5. 天蝎座和其最亮的心宿二能够在月亮附近找到。
    Scorpius and its bright star Antares can be found this evening near the moon.

6. 在天羯座的心脏位置你能选出淡红色的恒星心宿二吗?
    Can you pick out the reddish star Antares at the Heart of the Scorpion?

7. 你又可再有约一个月夜晚的时间来看到一个独特的。位于天蝎星座中的心宿二这个夏之星了。
    You`ve got about another month to see a uniquely summer star, Antares in the constellation Scorpius, in the evening.

8. 对位于北半球的我们来说,显示出明亮淡红色的心宿二星座相对低低地乘座在整个夏季的南方。
    To us in the northern hemisphere, Antares appears as a bright reddish star that rides relatively low in the south all summer.

9. 心宿的翻译

9. 在九月下下旬,当太阳下山,黄昏来临的西南部,心宿二就将很难被发现了。
    By late September, Antares will be tough to spot in the southwestern twilight after sunset.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 本文给出2000&2015年中国各直辖市、省会、和自治区首府等三十三个城市可见的月掩角宿一、心宿二、毕宿五和轩辕十四的情况。
    This paper gives the circumstances of lunar occultations of Spica, Antares, Aldebaran and Regulus for 33 main cities of China in the period 2000-2015.

11. 心宿二即是一颗巨星。
      Antares is a giant star.
