

御玺[yù xǐ]

词典privy seal御玺。

御玺 汉英大词典

御玺[yù xǐ]

privy seal (英国国王的私人印章, 在英国仅次于国玺 “broad seal 或 Great Seal”)

御玺 网络解释

1. 御玺

1. privy seal:Privy Councilor 智囊团 | privy seal 御玺 | privy 个人的

2. danci.911cha.com

2. imperial seal:8:detention center(青少年罪犯)感化中心;拘留中心 | 9: imperial seal御玺 | 10: express strong indignation表达强烈愤慨

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. YyXI:YyXI 玉玺(yùxi) | YyXI 御玺(yùxi) | YyXT 浴血(yùxue)

4. 御玺的反义词

4. imperial privy seal:玉石雕刻术 dactylioglyphy | 御玺 imperial privy seal | 原始瓷器 protoporcelain ware

御玺 双语例句

1. 隋灭陈后,御玺被陈朝的萧太后带到突厥,直到唐太宗贞观四年(公元630年)御玺归唐。
    Chen Sui out, the Royal seal of Xiao Chen Queen Mother was taken to the Turkic until four years Zhenguan Tang (AD 630) to the Tang Dynasty Royal seal.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 中书法庭最初是主管英国王室文书事务的班子,掌管大御玺
    At first, the royal chancery was in charge of Britain imperial documents and the Royal Seal;

3. 就是很珍贵的王室御玺的护柄也很多见——多于4000件。
    Even precious royal seal impressions known as melekh handles have been found in abundance — more than 4, 000 examples so far.

4. 在六朝以后的记载中,大都认为被秦始皇所用的御玺是用和氏璧改造而成的。
    After the records in the Six Dynasties, the most that has been used by the emperor Royal seal is formed and the transformation of Choi's.

5. 御玺在线翻译

5. 在那奴隶贩子的签字旁边,的确有土耳其大皇帝的御玺的印记。
    That this record should have all due authority, it shall bear the imperial seal, which the vendor is bound to have affixed to it.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 遂即移了一块大石,封住圈口,君王盖上自己的御玺,大臣们盖上自己的印章,免得达尼尔的案件发生意外的变化。
    To forestall any tampering, the king sealed with his own ring and the rings of the lords the stone that had been brought to block the opening of the den.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 在那奴隶贩子的签字旁边,的确有土耳其大皇帝的御玺的印记。
    That this record should have all due authority, it shall bear the imperial seal, which the vendor is bound to have affix ed to it.
