1. 马连良、张君秋、谭富英、裘盛戎等前辈艺术大师,用他们杰出的才华,把这先秦的传奇,解构成真正意义上的绝唱,使之成为久演不衰的经典。
These predecessors, masters of art, like Ma Lianliang, Zhang Junqiu, Tan Fuying and Qiu Shengrong, with their outstanding talents, deconstructed this pre-Qin legend into a truncated swansong and made it a classic that continued to flourish.
2. 张君秋的意思
2. 张君秋的新唱腔,不离京剧风格,不落俗套,他的艺术风格,在于自然率真。
His acting and singing was new and natural, different from the former style but also faithful to Peking Opera.