1. 用户还可以通过一张列有该应用程序所有活动的清单进行确认并把这些信息作为自己决策的依据。
The users are able to check the list of all actions the application made and base their decision on this information too.
2. 他对自己梦想的描述和一张列有生活中值得珍惜之物的清单——都是手写的。
His vision statement, along with a list of what he values in life---hand written.
3. 张列什么意思
3. 在模拟面试之前她收到了一张列有面试技巧的纸,包括下面这些技巧
She is given an interview tip sheet to read before the scheduled mock interview.
4. 他对自己梦想的描述和一张列有生活中值得珍惜之物的清单&都是手写的。
His vision statement, along with a list of what he values in life & hand written.
5. 货币通过这种方式,使过去和将来有了经济联系,用货币的形式来说明偿付的款项要比一张列有许多物品和服务的单子容易。
It is easier to specify a repayment in terms of money than as a list of a number of goods and services.