开山祖师[kāi shān zǔ shī]
词典the founder of a religious sect or a school of thought:开山祖师。
开山祖师[kāi shān zǔ shī]
the founder of a religious sect or a school of thought; originator; father
1. 开山祖师的近义词
1. acki:惨重acjg | 开山祖师acki | 惨祸acko
1. 川端康成是日本文学现代派的开山祖师之一。
Kawabata is one of the pioneers of modernism in Japanese literature.
2. 正像之前预告的那样,滑板界的真正的传奇人物,Dogtown的主要成员,现代滑板的开山祖师Tony Alva为配合即将登陆中国市场的VANS的宣传,已经抵达上海,虽然今天上海下了雨但是下午Tony还是如期来到了SMP
Just like the fore notice, the real legend Tony Alva come to SMP this afternoon.
3. danci.911cha.com
3. 1981年''' IBM 公司推出的第一台个人电脑使用 Intel 8088 微处理器,也就是我们目前使用的个人PC的开山祖师,目前我们用的键盘这种规格,就是当时开始使用并制定的,一直演变至今。
Although IBM`s first personal computer arrived nearly ten years after others were available, the IBM Personal Computer instantly legitimized and expanded the market.
4. 任何时候进入和离开道场或垫子前,需向 O`sensei 相片方向鞠躬行礼,以示对开山祖师的尊敬,这是练习合气道的基本礼仪。
Bow to the shomen when entering entering and leaving the dojo and when stepping onto and off of the mat.
5. 开山祖师的近义词
5. 任何时候进入和离开道场或垫子前,需向O`sensei相片方向鞠躬行礼,以示对开山祖师的尊敬,这是练习合气道的基本礼仪。
Bow to the shomen whenever you entering and leaving the dojo, the same as you stepping onto and off of the mat.
6. 1981年 IBM 公司推出的第一台个人电脑使用 Intel 8088 微处理器,也就是我们目前使用的个人PC的开山祖师,目前我们用的键盘这种规格,就是当时开始使用并制定的,一直演变至今。
IBM Personal Computer 1981 IBM Corporation, United StatesAlthough IBM`s first personal computer arrived nearly ten years after others were available, the IBM Personal Computer instantly legitimized and expanded the market.
7. 他是印象派的开山祖师。
He is the founder of impressionism.
8. 开山祖师的反义词
8. 肯定宋玉是赋体文学的开山祖师,并第一个创作了对问体赋、谐体赋和祝辞;
It also affirmed that Song was the originator of ode style literature because he was the first one who indited " Asking and Answering Odes ", " Humoristic Odes " and " Prayer Diction ";
9. 卢、马二氏乃汉语研究现代化的开山祖师,他们领衔主演了中国语言(学)现代化这场悲喜剧。
Lu and Ma were the earliest experts of Chinese modern study.
10. 开山祖师
10. 相传径山寺的开山祖师特别喜爱饮茶,经常组织茶宴。
It is said the founder of Jingshan Temple loved tea very much and often held tea feasts, or tea parties.
11. 肯定宋玉是赋体文学的开山祖师,并第一个创作了对问体赋、谐体赋和祝辞;
It also affirmed that Song was the originator of ode style literature because he was the first one who indited " Asking and Answering Odes ", " Humoristic Odes " and " Prayer Diction ";