1. 我相信此案无非是几分钟的庭辩
In what I'm sure will boil down to a five-minute plea bargain...
2. 庭辩那场,不仅仅使他在女儿的心目中高大,也使所有正直的人肃然起敬。
On the court, he made all the people present felt deep respect for him and left a great impression on his daughter.
3. 庭辩的反义词
3. 在那种一团糟的法庭上,在第一轮白热化的庭辩之中作证,是我这辈子干过的最痛苦的事了,比用魔杖指着一个无辜的人,或者一次斩草除根的杀戮还痛苦。
Testifying during the first go-round of this mess was one of the most wrenching things I've ever done in my life, far more difficult than pointing a wand at an innocent and making a clean kill.
4. 我想你可能需要再看过资料所以叫他们找出第一次 Mason 案的纪录、庭辩、法院申请。
Parker: I had them pull every transcript, depo, and motion from the first Mason trial... in case there's anything you need to review.
5. 被告星期五继续庭辩-这已构成上诉条件
We'll hear the defense next Friday.- This is grounds for an appeal.
6. 怀疑被告和庭辩律师。
Of defendants and trial lawyers.
7. 双方进入庭辩阶段后,相关策略与中国国内比起来还有更多的不同。
Once the parties move into the courtroom, there are more differences related to strategy.
8. 他的庭辩十分有说服力。
He arguedhis case most persuasively.