1. 在漫长的历史中,这里的汉、匈奴、乌桓、鲜卑、库莫奚、契丹、突厥、蒙古等各民族的经济文化得到进一步发展。
In the long history, where the Han, the Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, library Mo Xi, Khitan, Turkic, Mongolian and other ethnic groups further development of economic and cultural.
2. 如何鉴别这些史书中的第一手与第二手史料,并评价它们的史料价值,本文对诸家史书的相关记载一一予以考辨,力求对库莫奚的基本史料获得一个正确公允的认识。
The paper seriatim researches these books, which mailnly treats of how to distinguish between the first-hand historical materials and the second-hand ones, and how to judge of their historical values, intents to acquire a right cognition about the basal historical materials of Kumoxi.
3. 库莫奚的意思
3. 库莫奚;史料;比较研究
Kumoxi; historical data; comparison and research
4. 库莫奚是北魏时期始见于历史文献记载的北方诸族之一,从《魏书》到《新五代史》的历代大多史书,对库莫奚都有详略不等的记载。
Kumoxi was one of the ancient nomads, which first recorded in Beiwei period. The great mass of historical books from Weishu to New Five-dynasty History, detailedly or simply recorded the circs of Kumoxi.
5. 魏书》、《周书》、《隋书》、《旧唐书》和《新五代史》中的库莫奚传,是建构库莫奚基本历史框架的基础材料,而《北史》等其他一些史书中的库莫奚传,或可作有益的补充,或具有一定的参考价值。
The biographies of Kumoxi in the historical books, including Weishu, Zhoushu, Suishu, Old Tangshu and New Five-dynasty History, are the essential materials of upbuilding Kumoxi's historical frame. And the biographies of Kumoxi in other historical books, for example Beishi, some are salutary supplements, some have defin...