

庇荫[bì yīn ]


词典give shade庇荫。


庇荫 汉英大词典

庇荫[bì yīn]


(遮住阳光) give shade

庇荫 网络解释

1. 庇荫在线翻译

1. ofatree,etcgiveshadeshield:ofateachertopreparelessons 备课 | ofatree,etcgiveshadeshield 庇荫 | ofaturnofeventsnottooencouragingfarfromgoodanythingbutreassuring 不妙

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Shade:有性生殖 Sexual reproduction | 庇荫 Shade | 同Lamberts pine Shade pine

庇荫 双语例句

1. 庇荫的反义词

1. 我的骨灰被洒在了我曾闲庭信步的草地里,我曾乘凉庇荫的大树下,我曾爱慕艳羡的玫瑰上,我曾谈天说地的栅栏旁。
    And beside fences I once gossiped over.

2. 我的骨灰被洒在了我曾闲庭信步的草地里,我曾乘凉庇荫的大树下,我曾爱慕艳羡的玫瑰上,还被洒在我曾闲聊八卦的栅栏旁。
    My ashes were spread over grass I had once walked on. Beneath trees that had once given me shade. On top of roses I once admired. And beside fences I once gossiped over.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 我的骨灰被洒在了我曾闲庭信步的草地里,我曾乘凉庇荫的大树下,我曾爱慕艳羡的玫瑰上,还被洒在我曾闲聊八卦的栅栏旁。
    My ashes were spread over grass I had once walkedon. Beneath trees that had once given me shade. On top of roses Ionce admired. And beside fences I once gossiped over.

4. 将乡土木本植物猫尾木Dolichandrone cauda-felina蒲桃Syzygium jambos、野牡丹Melastoma candidum、翻白叶树Pterospermum heterophyllum以及鸭脚木Schefflera ctophylla 1年生袋装苗盆栽,置半庇荫环境下适应4周,之后按株数均等分成两组,分别放置在南海五星污染区和广州华南植物园清洁区进行试验。5个月后进行植物构形生长参数和干物质量的测定,以探讨这5种亚热带树苗对大气污染响应的差异。
    One-year-old seedlings of five native species including Dolichandrone cauda-felina, Syzygium jambos, Melastoma candidum, Pterospermum heterophyllu, and Schefflera octophylla were planted in pot containers and acclimated under partially shaded regime for 4 weeks. And further, seedlings of each species were divided into two groups with equivalent individuals for each group, which were exposed to the clean and the polluted site, respectively. After five months, dimensional growth parameters and dry mass allocation were measured and analysed to study the differences in response of these subtropical woody species to atmospheric pollution.

5. 庇荫

5. 结果表明,利用山地种植,选择透光率为55%~60%的Ⅰ、Ⅱ类立地的残次阔叶林和杉木林冠下,或地形隐蔽、东向的山垅旱地,选用苗高25 cm以上、地径0.25 cm以上的1年生优质苗木造林;利用农田进行庇荫设施高产栽培,应选用苗高在15 cm以上、地径0.15 cm以上规格的苗木栽植,适宜栽植密度为30 cm×30 cm,遮阳透光率在50%左右。
    On mountainous sites, grade Ⅰ or Ⅱ stands including land below the crown of the secondary broadleaf forest and the Chinese-fir plantation or east-facing, shady dry land could be considered for the plantation. The transmittance of crown in the areas should be 55%~60%. One-year-old high quality seedlings above 25 cm tall and 0.25 cm in diameter near the ground-level should be used. For high-yield, field cultivation, shading facility should be considered and seedlings of taller than 15 cm and greater than 0.15 cm in diameter near the ground should be applied. The appropriate density and sunlight transmittance ought to be 30 cm×30 cm and 50%, respectively.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 酒在我嘴里留下一股发苦的草药味,我们伟大西方文明的庇荫处现在像圣人的脚趾甲一样地腐烂。
    Everything swimming in a divine mucopus.

7. 导读:唐朝乾符年间,有一个土豪全靠着祖上有功的庇荫,过着锦衣玉食的生活,什么好吃什么,变着花样儿活。有一天他对门僧圣刚说:烧木炭做饭,必须先炼炭,也就是先
    Tang Chaoqian accord with year, have a local tyrant of have rendered great service of completely recumbent ancestors give shade, live the life that jade of bright and beautiful garment feeds, what is delicious what, changing pattern vivid.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 年夏一年这个所在熟悉了相同的安宁国除了天命所赋,我向来没有更多的好运,向来没有更多的智慧,我本来会平平静静地祝福我生为男人,本来会在以后的人生中为自己创造一个长久值得回顾的得到庇荫的安宁。
    Year after year this spot has known the same tranquility; with ever so little of good fortune, with ever so little wisdom, beyond what was granted me, I might have blessed my manhood with calm, might have made for myself in later life a long retrospect of bowered peace.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 我向你们保证,这就是为什麼我是你们的庇荫
    I assure you, this is why I am your refuge.

10. 庇荫的翻译

10. 在庇荫环境中,栅栏组织薄壁细胞由全光的柱状变成倒锥形、叶绿素a/b率显著降低、叶绿体中基粒类囊体所占的比例提高、每个基粒类囊体垛的片层数量增加等,也是幼树提高叶片对弱光利用能力的主要标志。
    And with decrease in light intensity, the shape of palisade mesophyllchanged from column into invert pyramid. The higher proportion of granum thylakoid, more granum in one ganum thylakoid and lower ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll bwere also the responses of leaves to shading.

11. 他能有今天的地位,完全是靠著父亲的庇荫
      He got where he is because he is the son of his father.

12. 我们从庇荫处移到了有太阳的地方。
      We moved out of the shade and into the sunshine.

13. 小时侯我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩子。
      When I was young I wished to be a happy kid forever under your shelter.

14. 小时侯我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩子。
      When I was young, I had a wish that I could remain a child forever under your wing.

15. 小时候我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇荫下做一世的孩子。
      In childhood I had a wish: I would be a child forever under your protection.

16. 庇荫什么意思

16. 因为那时候圣神尚未降临在贞女身上,至高者的能力尚未庇荫她,好使智慧能在她纤尘不染的圣胎中,为自己建造一个宫室,并使圣言成为血肉。
      The Holy Spirit had not yet come upon the Virgin nor had the power of the Most High overshadowed her, so that within her spotless womb Wisdom might build itself a house and the Word become flesh.

17. 庇荫的解释

17. 在艏楼甲板安装有由钢板制成的具有足够设计强度的防浪板用以给集装箱以最大程度保护,防浪板的外型如总布置图所示,从艏柱至艏桅的整个艏楼甲板区均被加以庇荫保护。
      Spray Hood 防浪板 On forecastle deck a spray hood of strong design made of steel to be installed to provide max. protection to containers. Outline of the spray hood according to the GA plan. The complete forecastle deck area between the stem and foremast to be sheltered.

18. 通过将建筑提升到空中,建筑下面的空间在冬季将是无雪地带,到了夏季又将是一个干燥庇荫的广场。
      By lifting the building in the air, the area under the building will be a snow free zone in winter and a dry and shaded plaza during summer.

19. 庇荫的意思

19. 或许在那些较高处的一个小山丘或大石头的庇荫里,那里变脏的雪堆还在竭力抵抗着不可避免的泉水的冲击。
      Perhaps in the lee of a hillock or boulder where, in the higher altitudes, dirty clumps of snow still battled the inevitable onslaught of spring.

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. 吴贤俊(侨光技术学院应用华文系,中国台湾):祖上有德,后裔有福:分析比较客家李氏闽杭始祖李火德与来台始祖李德万庇荫子孙的德
      WU Hsien-chun(Department of Applied Chinese, The Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology, Chinese Taiwan): What Bestowal was Given to Descendants: a Comparative Analysis between Two Cases of Li Huode and Li Yinglung, Li`s Hakka Founding Ancestors in Fujian and Taiwan
