


词典widely seek广求。

广求 双语例句

1. 推究他们如是作为的原因,不外乎名闻、利养、信众可能流失的考量;但我们自从出世弘法以来,不曾在个人的名闻、利养、眷属上面著眼,亦从未在这些世俗法中获得任何利益;我们从来不受供养与求名闻,亦不广求眷属,只是随缘而行地辨正法义破邪显正,得罪诸方大师而救护被误导的学人们;我们十余年勤苦之后所拥有的,除了付出以外,仍然是付出,不曾有一个人是有所得的。
    The reason why they behave so we think is the consideration of losing their reputation, wealth and followers. On the other hand, since starting to spread the dharma, we have never been concerned about any personal reputation, wealth or followers, and have not gotten any worldly benefit either. Without aspiring to personal reputation, wealth or followers, we just elaborate the true dharma against the false ones according to conditions, rescue the misguided learners, and thus of course displease those masters with wrong teachings. After our diligent endeavor for over ten years, what we have obtained is only our selfless contributions, and none of us have gotten any personal benefit from the society.

2. 天龙腾公司永远铭记那些曾经帮助和支持过以及正在帮助和支持天龙腾公司的社会各界同仁和朋友,并广求合作,再创辉煌!
    The companies will never forget those who have helped and supported and are helping and supporting the community day dragon companies colleague and friend, and seek broad cooperation and create greater glories
