1. 幽僻
1. obscure:obscene 淫秽,猥亵的 | obscure 昏暗的; 幽僻,微贱的; 隐藏 | observe 看到,发觉; 遵守
1. 这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的,有些怕人。
By the one side of the path are some willows, and some other nameless trees.
2. 幽僻的反义词
2. 在前面说过的美丽的布莱克莫尔谷或者叫做黑荒原谷东北部起伏不平的谷地中间,坐落着马洛特村。布莱克莫尔谷四周环山,是一片幽僻的区域,虽然离伦敦只有不到四个小时的路程,但是直到现在它的大部分地区都还不曾有过旅游者或风景画家的足迹。
The village of Marlott lay amid the north-eastern undulations of the beautiful Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor aforesaid, an engirdled and secluded region, for the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape-painter, though within a four hours'journey from London.
3. 幽僻什么意思
3. 他居住在某一幽僻的小村庄里。
He lived in an obscure little village.
4. 幽僻是什么意思
4. 这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。
It is off the beaten trac k and few pass this way even by day, so at night it is still more quiet.
5. 他下半生一直生活在一个幽僻的小山村里。
He lived the rest of his life in a quiet and remote village.
6. 幽僻的近义词
6. 这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。
It's a peaceful path. few people walked in the day, more quiet at night.
7. danci.911cha.com
7. 这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走
It is off the beaten track and few pass this way even by day
8. 这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。
It is off the beaten track and few pass this way even by day, so at
9. 幽僻什么意思
9. 从秘鲁的沿海地带到伦敦的市中心,从崎岖的澳大利亚海边到圣保罗市内,从引人入胜的新西兰高山幽僻处到沿海隐僻处,从美洲的大草原到寒冷的奥斯陆,从华丽的西印度群岛到炎热的东南亚,从偏远的立陶宛到哥斯达黎加,这些也只是具有特色的一小部分地点。
The coast of Peru, inner-city London, rugged Australian coastal sites, urban Sao Paulo, spectacular New Zealand alpine retreats and coastal hideaways, American prairies, frosty Oslo, the gorgeous West Indies, tropical Southeast Asia, suburban lithuania, and Costa Rica are just a sprinkling of the enviable sites featured.
10. 幽僻的意思
10. 这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。
It is a private road with few people there and become lonelier in evening.
11. 我记得铁路对面外国佬居住的幽僻的城市,像巨大的电气化养鸡场一样用金属篱笆围着,每到夏天日落的时候,篱笆上就落满黑色的燕子。
I remembered the private cities of the gringos in Aracataca and Sevilla, on the other side of the railroad tracks, surrounded, like enormous electrified chicken yards, by metal fences that on cool summer dawns were black with charred swallows.
12. 幽僻什么意思
12. 那高耸的危崖、蔽日的苍松、飘渺的雾岚、幽僻的岩洞,似天然的诗篇,流淌的画卷,充满了美丽与神奇。
That towering Cliffs, Blot out the Sun's pines, fogpiao miao Lan, you pi cave, the poem seems natural, flowing scroll, full of beauty and magic.
13. 他们时不时地遇到一些幽僻的地方,地面长满青草,绽放着鲜花,宛如块块镶着宝石的绿色地毯。
Now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers.
14. 幽僻是什么意思
14. 由于偏滤器抽气槽路以及偏滤器下侧通至真空室下部舱口的有限的通导能力,这些低温泵在偏滤器幽僻区域有效抽速为160m3·s-1。
However, limited conductance through the divertor pumping slot and through the clearance between the underside of the divertor and the vacuum vessel results in an effective net pumping speed of 160m 3 · s - 1 in the divertor private region.
15. 我花了一些时间,去探寻岛上最幽僻的所在。
I spend some time to find out the most retired parts of the island.
16. danci.911cha.com
16. 不能想象比这园子更加荒旷更加幽僻的地方了。
Nothing more wild and solitary than this garden could be imagined.
17. 幽僻的反义词
17. 汽车停在一个幽僻的村庄。
The bus stopped at an obscure village.
18. 船停靠在一个幽僻的小湾里。
We were anchored in a secluded cove.
19. 幽僻的意思
19. 大钟声惊醒了最幽僻的人家,仿佛在号召大家欢乐起来。
The sound of public bells rouses the most secluded abode, as if with a call to be gay.
20. 蜿蜒小径通向幽僻的地方。
A winding path leads to a secluded place.