

年近古稀[nián jìn gǔ xī]

词典approaching seventy years of age年近古稀。

词典already near seventy年近古稀。

词典getting on for seventy年近古稀。

年近古稀 汉英大词典

年近古稀[nián jìn gǔ xī]


approaching seventy years of age; already near seventy; getting on for seventy

年近古稀 双语例句

1. 有关他的传奇故事多不胜数,而这一切都要从他的出生说起……广东有一户大富人家,老爷陈员外陈鸿已年近古稀,早年丧妻,膝下育有一子陈志贤,贤不学无术,好逸恶劳,强凶霸道,欺压乡里。
    But this film for me there is still a shame to see places where, the preceding paragraph of these talking nonsense, I will say it once again in the first paragraph of the above words are not the focus of XD, the focus is just to look at three leading actress dress in line with the entertainment

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 有关他的传奇故事多不胜数,而这一切都要从他的出生说起……广东有一户大富人家,老爷陈员外陈鸿已年近古稀,早年丧妻,膝下育有一子陈志贤,贤不学无术,好逸恶劳,强凶霸道,欺压乡里。
    Ave the courage and brains; A small, low birth because only when a parking Aberdeen, the debt owed by the shop, the company was debt-door debt in the debt collection process, the small-event and the first Argentine friend Bafang, they were introduced to the creation

3. 我的父母已经年近古稀
    My parents are in their mid-70s.

4. 年近古稀

4. 此时的我已年近古稀,视力的减退让我看报纸特别吃力。
    Now, I must be aboat 70 years old, Vision loss made me met some problems while read newspapers.

5. half-dead:半死不活的,筋疲力尽的看哪,他年近古稀却仍然乐此不疲。
    Arthur: Look, he's half-dead and he's still interested.

6. 他年近古稀
    He is getting on for seventy.

7. 年近古稀是什么意思

7. 年近古稀的庞德先生来自美国。
    Mr. Troy Ponder comes from America. He is almost 70 years old now.

8. 年近古稀的祖父如此看来,倒真有点像土地公。
    With his old age, he indeed looked like the Lord of Land when sitting still.

9. 但由于醴陵的釉下五彩瓷器解放前整整二十年停止了生产,因此缺乏传授技艺的人才,后来通过几个月的调查访问,才在醴陵一个偏僻的乡村找到了一位失业还家务农近二十年的釉下彩老艺人吴寿祺先生,这时他已经是年近古稀而幸存的老人了。
    However, because of Liling Youxia colorful porcelain full 20 years before liberation to stop the production and therefore lack the skills to teach people, through the later months of the survey, only Liling in a remote village on the unemployed to find a home is also close to farming You Xia 20-year old artist Cai Mr. Wu Shouqi, this time he has in recent years is the age and the elderly survivors.

10. 布朗夫妇虽已年近古稀,然而他们仍不时地去听乡村音乐会。
    The Browns are already in their late sixties, but all the same they go to the country music concerts now and again.

11. 近年来,我国家族企业的老一辈创业者都已年近古稀,家族企业进入交接高峰,家族式交接已成为现阶段重要的经济现象。
      In resent years, our family firm owners are nearly fifty years old, family firms are entering into climax of succession between generations, it's become a very important economic phenomenon in current.

12. 临近主席台的一张桌子旁,10多位年近古稀的老人红光满面,每人胸前都戴了一朵红花,他们都是老三届的老师。
      Draw near by a piece of table of rostrum, many 10 old person in ruddy health of year of close seventy years of age, a safflower was worn before the bosom each, they are old 3 teacher.
