平易近人[píng yì jìn rén]
词典amiable and easy of approach:平易近人。
词典be simple and easy to approach:平易近人。
词典common as an old shoe:平易近人的。
词典easily approachable:平易近人。
平易近人[píng yì jìn rén]
amiable and easy of approach; be simple and easy to approach; (as) common as an old shoe; easily approachable; easy to get along with:
例:他虽然是个名作家, 却平易近人。
Although he is a famous writer, he is still as common as an old shoe.
1. Down to earth:32.Do you have straws? 有吸管嗎? | 33.Down to earth平易近人 | 34.Face the music受懲罰
2. Agreeableness:Extroversion: 外向 | Agreeableness: 平易近人 | Neuroticism: 神经质
3. Be approachable all year:7 制订绩效奖励机制 Set performance incentives 56 | 8 平易近人 Be approachable all year 64 | 9 注重沟通 Focus on communication 72
4. common touch:天壤之别 far cry | 平易近人 common touch | 由衷之言 give voice to