

Stem wilt;
干萎 双语例句

1. 普努尼:具有过熟的,干萎的葡萄的风味。
    Pruny: Having the flavor of overripe, dried-out grapes.

2. 以原生土、草炭+珍珠岩(1:1)这2种基质最好,诱导率达89.3%93.3%,平均每鳞片繁殖小鳞茎数较高,达1.14~1.19个,产生的小鳞茎质量也较好,而且鳞片腐烂率低,生根效果也最好;草炭+河沙(2:1)及草炭+珍珠岩+蛭石(1:1:1)的扦插效果仅次于草炭+珍珠岩(1:1);河沙扦插鳞片时,平均每鳞片繁殖小鳞茎数最高,达1.38个,但诱导率最低(58.7%),易造成鳞片干萎,草炭则易造成鳞片大量腐烂,均不宜使用。
    The bulb scales had a higher induction rate of 89.3% to 93.3%, better quality and lower decay rate and the best rooting, in which single-scale reproduction coefficient reached 1.14 to 1.19 when cutting in soil from original environment and peat and pearlite (1:1) as medium under the condition of 25℃ and dark, followed by cutting in peat and sand (2:1) and peat and vermiculite and perlite (1:1:1). There were the highest single-scale reproduction coefficient (1.38) when cutting in sand, but the induction rate was lowest (58.7%). The bulb scales was easy to rot and unfit for use in peat.
