


thunder but no rain干打雷,不下雨;干打雷 不下雨;干打雷, 不下雨。

much noise but no action干打雷,不下雨;干打雷 不下雨;干打雷, 不下雨。

干打雷,不下雨 双语例句

1. 他承诺说在下午三点之前完成工作,可这时不可能的。这还真是干打雷不下雨啊。
    He promised he would finish the job before 3p. m, but it was impossible—this is really big hat, not cattle.

2. 干打雷,不下雨在线翻译

2. 光说不做,光说空话而不做,空谈,干打雷不下雨。
    Talking often about doing something, but never actually doing it.

3. 干打雷,不下雨是什么意思

3. 高谈阔论,脱离实际,无法实现,这些人是干打雷不下雨。
    When someone talks big, but cannot back it up, they are all hat, no cattle.

4. 干打雷,不下雨

4. 多次找物业交涉,可人家嘴上勤快手脚慢,干打雷不下雨。
    Finding property representations can talk amongst others hands slowly, and do not rain storm.

5. 干打雷,不下雨的意思

5. 为取悦国内民众,萨科齐常发表一些慷慨激昂的反市场的花言巧语。由于他总是干打雷不下雨,一些外国友人已学会对他的这种伎俩置之不理了。
    Some of Mr Sarkozy`s foreign friends have learned to ignore his desire to please domestic audiences with fiery anti-market rhetoric, since it is not always backed up with action.

6. 干打雷,不下雨的反义词

6. 干打雷不下雨
    A little rain stills a great wind.
