

Outside the curtain;
帘外 双语例句

1. 帘外的意思

1. 走进他的作品,我们也走进一个被竹帘所悬挂起来的世界,帘里帘外都承载着我们的希望与失望、追求与梦想。
    Both inside and outside of the screen have our hope and disappointment, desire and dream.

2. 当你坐在窗前,帘外突然淅淅沥沥地下起了雨。
    When you are sitting in the window, suddenly.

3. 当你坐在窗前,帘外突然噼噼啪啪地下起了雨。
    When you are sitting in the window, snapped ground floor of a sudden crackling rained.

4. 当你坐在窗前,帘外突然哗哗地下起了雨。
    When you are sitting in the window, suddenly rained underground.

5. 帘外

5. 当你坐在窗前,帘外突然无声无息地下起了雨。
    When you are sitting in the window, quietly underground suddenly rained.

6. 当你坐在窗前,帘外突然下起了雨——雨哟——你是一种凄美的心情!!
    When you are sitting in the window a sudden it began to rain - the rain yo - You are a beautiful feeling!!

7. 帘外什么意思

7. 除了风琴帘外,还有一种混合柔纱和纤维布的百叶帘,也起保护作用。
    In addition to organ belonging, but also a mixed Rousha and fibre cloth Boxielian also a protective role.

8. 我可以无可奈何的躲在雨帘外,看雨点像一把把利剑把你的丝丝弦弦斩断,被狂风刮得支离破碎,看着曾经以王者自居的蜘蛛惊慌失措的逃到阴暗的缝隙里,此时,心里有一种莫名的快感,似乎暴风雨摧毁的不只是一个蛛网,而是我生命的桎梏、尘世的枷锁、生活的陷阱,想到这些,心境也不免开阔了许多,可是我为什么从来没想到去面对一场暴风雨呢?
    I can do nothing to hide Yulian outside, watching the rain as a sword to cut off your slightest chord chord was broken wind blew, watching the self-proclaimed king of spiders have been in panic-stricken, fled to the dark gaps where at this time, and my heart there is a nameless thrill, it seems that the storm destroyed not just a spider web, but my life's shackles, the shackles of earthly life of the trap, think of these open mind could not help a lot, but why I have never expect to face a storm do?

9. 除了风琴帘外,还有一种混合柔纱和纤维布的百页帘,也起保护作用。
    In addition to organ belonging, but also a mixed Rousha and fibre cloth 100 pages screens, and a protective role.

10. 外望意象在这段时间的类型多样,本文分为三类:重帘外望、登楼远望、想望不敢望。
    During this period, the type of image varied. It is divided into three categories: looked out from the curtain, upstairs to look, want to look out but not look.
