

帐子[zhàng zi ]



词典mosquito net蚊帐。

帐子 汉英大词典

帐子[zhàng zi]

(指张在床上的) bed-curtain

帐子 网络解释

1. 帐子什么意思

1. tz ntz:席子:ziqtz . | 帐子:tz ntz . | 窗帘:tsanli.

2. 帐子

2. moskitvualo;kulvualo:帐篷: tendo;jurto | 帐子: moskitvualo;kulvualo | 障碍: obstaklo;malhelpo

帐子 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 露西,你可知道,昨天夜间,你透过墨绿的帐子向外张望的时候,你的脸苍白得可怜,你凹陷的眼睛旁围着紫红的一圈,在这因暴风雨而大哭大喊的、阴森森的、害怕的、神情痛苦的女人身上,我几乎认不出我的小妻子来了。
    Do you know, Lucy, that once last night, when you looked out through the dark green bed-curtains, with your poor white face, and the purple rims round your hollow eyes, I had almost a difficulty to recognize my little wife in that ghastly, terrified, agonised-looking creature, crying out about the storm.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 1:6 有白色,绿色,蓝色的帐子,用细麻绳,紫色绳从银环内系在白玉石柱上。有金银的床榻摆在红,白,黄,黑玉石铺的石地上。
    Where were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble.

3. 帐子是什么意思

3. 我睁开眼睛,见到的是一个帐子
    I opened my eyes, and saw a blue bed-curtain.

4. 我睁开眼睛,见到的是一个帐子
    I opened my eyes, and sawa blue bed-curtain.

5. 帐子

5. 据说是因为婚床上的帐子必须用打结的绳子才能支起来哦。
    It is said that wedding bed-curtain should be tied up together for supporting.

6. 比我家的可漂亮多了。我家帐子的布很粗,虽然干干净净的,但很旧很破,颜色也不好看。
    The clothing of the bed-curtain in my house was very coarse, though clean, and old, yet this one was both pretty and smooth.

7. 比我家的可漂亮多了。我家帐子的布很粗,虽然干干净净的,但很旧很破,颜色也不好看。
    The clothing ofthe bed-curtain in my house was very coarse, though clean, and old, yet this one was both pretty and smooth.

8. 曾家驹一手撩开帐子,就看见红喷喷的小孩子的脸儿露在绿绸的夹被外边。
    He ripped the curtains aside and saw a child's rosy little face above a green silk quilt.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 床上虽则没有帐子,但堆着有二条洁净的青布被褥。
    She had no mosquito -net but there were two clean cotton quilts on bed.

10. 帐子在线翻译

10. 我又让蚊子留在帐子里面,慢慢地吸口烟喷出来,叫蚊子冲烟飞鸣,当作青云中的白鹤观看,果然就象鹤唳云端一样,令人怡然称快。
    I would again stay in the mosquito net inside the mosquito, slowly I smoke cigarettes to smoke, red cigarette called mosquito Feiming, as Albatron during the crane to watch, as was Li He, like clouds, is happy in applause.

11. 并且我每晚都在梦中看见你消失在帐子后面,你的死亡一次又一次的重现,就像被记录在麻瓜录像带上似的,这个场景缠绕着我,在我的脑海中浮现……无止境地,残忍地
      And as I see you fall through the veil every night in my dreams, your death is replayed, over and over, as if it were recorded on a muggle video tape, the scene rewinding and playing in my brain endlessly...

12. 床上的帐子已经着了火。
      The curtains of my bed were in flames.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. 躺在了抵挡寒风的帐子里。
      And lay down out of the cold wind.

14. 帐子的近义词

14. 从他旁边传来沙沙的响声,他觉得小床的帐子下面露出了一个影子。
      He heard a rustle beside him, and a shadow seemed to come under the canopy of the crib.

15. 这个帐子可不一样。它是蓝色的,看上去滑滑的,软软的。
      The quilt covering my body was thick and soft, and the bed was comfortable.

16. 帐子的翻译

16. 我已经跳进了让你消失的帐子里,并且有时,我希望我是这样做的。
      I would have jumped in the veil right after you... and sometimes, I wish I would have.

17. 刍议银行对帐子系统设计
      Design Review about the Subsystem of the Bank Reconciliation

18. 在孩子还没睡时,我们就在床上玩,然后就把蚊子赶出去,帐子拉起来,这样就没事了!
      In还没睡baby, we play on the bed, and then put out mosquitoes, mosquito net pull together, so that nothing has been!

19. 自此以后,她每天早晨都要搜查一遍帐子,但是从来没有发现有人在那儿。
      She searched the curtains every morning after that, but never found anybody within them.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 他们在床上支起帐子
      They anchored a mesh over their bed.
