

左首[zuǒ shǒu]

词典the left-hand side左首;左手;左面。

左首 汉英大词典

左首[zuǒ shǒu]


the left-hand side

左首 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 当天雪到达大厅,只见左首上位坐著一个年约五旬,颏下微须,相貌威严的男子,他的下首坐著另一个淡眉圆脸三十余歳的青年,而一个大眼瓜子脸,相貌还不错的女子,正站在厅中喝斥
    Beside him, another man, who is a little over thirty, is sitting with a round face and shallow eyebrows.

2. 只听得趟子手白二在左首林中叫道:少镖头,快来,这里有野鸡!
    But by the time he pulled out another arrow and was ready to shoot again, the other rabbit had disappeared behind the bushes.

3. 如果你有时间,右首边的北京太庙和左首边的中山公园会尤其使你感兴趣的。
    If you have time, the Imperial Ancestral Temple (which is to the right), and sun Yat-Sen Park (on the left), might be particularly interested with you.

4. 左首的近义词

4. 在大阪这个有些潦草的日本西部城市,第一件要知道的事情是人们在电动扶梯上必须靠右站立,左首是过道。这一点将大阪与东部首都东京区分开来,在那里,一切正好相反。
    One of the first things to know about Osaka is that people stand on the right of escalators and stride up on the left. This distinguishes the rough-and-ready western city from Tokyo, the eastern capital, where people do precisely the reverse.

5. 我被安排坐在他的左首
    I was seated to his left.

6. 不久他们就紧紧跟上来了,我就竭力地跑着。过了一会儿,我看到左首有一片树林和一家农舍的烟囱。
    Soon they were close behind me and I was running as fast as I could. After a time I saw to my left some trees and the chim - neys of a farmhouse.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 那匹在左首拉边套的马低垂着头,时而轻轻拉一下挽索。
    The left trace-horse, arching his head, pulled in jerks at his traces.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 在我的左首,我的父母也在忙乎着,嗤,嗤,嗤。
    To my left, my parents were taking care of their own stalks. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip, z-z-zip.

9. 左首的近义词

9. 他们正在大厅的左首那个房间里用餐。
    They are having dinner in the dining room on the left side of the hall.

10. 在大阪这个有些潦草的日本西部城市,第一件要知道的事情是人们在电动扶梯上必须靠右站立,左首是过道。
    One of the first things to know about Osaka is that people stand on the right of escalators and stride up on the left.

11. 请保持左首受风。
      Please keep the wind on port bow.

12. 左首的意思

12. 在大阪这个有些潦草的日本西部城市,第一件要知道的事情是人们在电动扶梯上必须靠右站立,左首是过道。
      Friday, February 01, 2008of the first things to know about Osaka is that people stand on the right of escalators and stride up on the left.

13. 进入北京中国国际展览中心,东、西两大展区分别位于观众的右首和左首
      Enter Beijing China International Exhibition Centre, , xiluo two major area are located at the viewer's right and left.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 见桌上摊着一本书,左首放着的砚台笔筒也都雕刻精致。
      The chair was spread with a brocade cover, embroidered with a dragon in gold thread.
