

左丘[Zuǒ qiū]



左丘 双语例句

1. 左丘的解释

1. 文献记载、左丘明墓、左丘明祠、左丘明后世子孙所居之地以及口碑史料,都证明左丘明故里在肥城衡鱼,而不在东平、峰县、曹县。
    According to historical materials, Zuo Qiuming s hometown is not in Dongping, Yi County and Can County but in Hengyu of Feicheng.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 生活的舞台是多彩的,生活的舞台是丰富的,生活的舞台是多姿的,屈原、左丘、孙子等人的坚强,诸葛亮的智慧,陆游的爱国是他们舞台的亮点,装饰了他们的一生。
    The stage of life is a colorful, life stage is a rich, life stage is the variety, and Qu Yuan, the left hill, grandchildren and others strong, the wisdom of Zhuge Liang, Lu patriotism is their highlight of the stage, decorated with their life.

3. 内心深藏怨恨,表面却与人友好,左丘明认为此行为可耻,我亦认为可耻。
    To harbor grudges against someone and yet befriend him is considered shameful to Zuo Qiu Ming. My sentiments as well.

4. 孔子说,花言巧语、和颜悦色、屈膝卑恭,这种态度,左丘明认为可耻,我也认为可耻。
    The Mastersaid, Sweet words, a pleasing countenance, and excessive respectfulness-Zuo-qiu Ming deems it shameful; I also deem it shameful.

5. 子曰:「巧言、令色、足恭,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之。
    Confucius said: Clever words, a pretentious face and tooperfect courtesy: Tso Ch'iu Ming was ashamed of them.
