




工细 双语例句

1. 最难得的是仔头,泉州货木料好、刻工细,用几百年也不会坏。
    The heads of former times were made of wood, and had much more detailed handwork.

2. 工细

2. 记者:比如就这件作品而言,这里既有对非常工细的草虫的表现,体量很小,又有非常写意的阔笔的松树。
    J: As for this piece of work, it has the meticulous painting of grass and worm, which are very small in size and the impressionistic painting of pines.

3. 工细

3. 中国皇帝的多宝格中,经常置放著一件件型微工细的雕作,或者是以橄榄核精刻乘船游江的文人雅士,或者是具体而微的玉中书画。
    In the curio-box of a Chinese emperor, there always stores a number of delicate miniature sculptures, such as cruising scholars carved on an olive nut, or paintings and calligraphy in a piece of jade.

4. 画法上突破了过于工细的方法,工写结合;色彩上创造色墨结合,以色助墨、以墨显色等多种方法,巧用色彩,以求整体色彩对比协调,为画面增添韵律。
    Drawing on breakthroughs in the way too fine work, the combination of Writing; color combination of ink colors to create up to help ink color, ink color, such as in a number of ways, clever use of color, compared to the overall color coordination, rhythm added to the screen.

5. 工细是什么意思

5. 这幅长卷线条准确流畅,工细灵动,充满表现力。
    This picture scroll fluent, exquisitely clever lines accurate, full of expression.

6. 整幅画绘制工细,功力深厚,有院体风格。
    The picture has a style of the imperial-court decorative painting.

7. 此外,雍正行乐图工细而写实,设色明丽,反映了当时宫廷绘画的风格特点。
    Besides, the elaborate and realistic style and the bright colors were characteristic of court painting during the period.

8. 这样的作品即使摹仿得极其工细、极其近似,还是免不了象鸟在学人说话一样。
    This works fine even if the imitation was very public, very similar to, or as inevitable Birds, like people speak in school.

9. 工细在线翻译

9. 尤喜将阔笔大写的花卉与工细草虫合于一图,以求相反相成之韵趣。
    Hi particular, the width of pen and uppercase Flower Insect works fine together in a graph, in order to rhyme interest opposite and complementary.
