

工尺[gōng chě]

词典gongche, a traditional Chinese musical scale

工尺 汉英大词典

工尺[gōng chě]

(我国民族音乐音阶上各个音的总称) gongche, a traditional Chinese musical scale

工尺 双语例句

1. 昆曲和京戏记谱采用的是工尺记谱法,而且只记唱段。
    Notations for Kunqu and Beijing Opera texts use only gongche notation, and.

2. 花张蒙村道教音乐以工尺法记谱,演奏形式以吹管和打击乐器为主。
    Hua Zhang Meng Village, Taoist music to a musical notation France, playing the main form to the blowpipe, and percussion instruments.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 工尺谱本在口传体系中,处于何等位置、扮演何类角色?
    What kind of role does Gong Che notation play in oral transmission system and where is its position?

4. 本文从该乐种的简单介绍为切入点,着重通过北管音乐与传统音乐中各种工尺传谱的比较分析,解析当地民间乐谱传人创造的一种新的工尺谱式记叙方法。
    Through introduce this genre of music, the papers put emphasis on comparative analysis of Gongche notations in beiguan music and traditional one, and parsing a new way of Gongche notation created by the folk musicians locally.

5. 工尺什么意思

5. 而我们中国古代人用的就是工尺谱。
    But ancient Chinese used the Gongche notation.

6. 工尺的翻译

6. 提出了工尺谱乐谱显示和重建方法。
    It presents a method for displaying and reconstructing the GCN musical scores.

7. 工尺谱是中国传统音乐的主要记谱方法,常见的大多数中国传统乐器的乐谱都以工尺谱为载体进行传承,如琵琶工尺谱等。
    Gong-Che Notation (GCN) is a major notation method of Chinese traditional music, which is inherited as the vector by the music of the most common Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as Pipa GCN.

8. 尽管这种音乐是通过口传的方式流传的,但为了便于音乐的保存和传授,大部分的音乐会也拥有用传统工尺谱纪录的乐谱,代代相传。
    However, several fieldworks conducted since the 1980s have revealed a large number of Associations still practicing their music despite the disruptions caused by wars and political events over the last century.

9. 工尺的近义词

9. 古乐所用乐器有管子、笙、云锣、胡琴、镲、鼓等,一直延用现存的原版工尺谱(海波、化亮两位僧人传下来的古谱)。
    Ancient music instruments are used in pipes, Sheng, gongs, erhu, cymbals, drums and so on, has been the extension of the existing original musical score (Hyperion, turning bright two monks passed down Ancient Music Scores).
