

工商联[gōng shāng lián]


词典association of industry and commerce工商联。

工商联 汉英大词典

工商联[gōng shāng lián]

[简] (工商业联合会) association of industry and commerce

工商联 网络解释

1. Federation of Industry and Commerce:工人阶级队伍 the working class in China | 工商联 Federation of Industry and Commerce | 当家作主的愿望 the wish to be the masters of our country

2. 工商联

2. federations of industry:family planning 计划生育 | federations of industry 工商联 | fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics 主观主义和形而上学的桎梏

3. 工商联

3. federations of industy:104工人阶级队伍 the working class in China | 105工商联 federations of industy | 106公民权利、自由 civil rights ,civil liberties

4. federation of industry commerce:商部:Ministry of Commerce | 工商联:federation of industry commerce | 工商业:Industry and Commerce
