

峻险 网络解释

1. nytidipar:责指厉严.vpar | 峻险,陡;速迅,快.nytidipar | 兴高极,喜狂.nerutpar

峻险 双语例句

1. 河谷两岸,一边是起伏峻险的茶纳山,一边是连绵不断的莽原,中间是一片宽阔平坦、肥沃丰腴的盆地,使整个峡谷成为一个巨大的天然库区。
    Valley. undulating grim And dangerous side of the tea Jahorina And the other side is a continuous wilderness, there is a broad And smooth, fertile complexity of the basin, the whole valley into a huge natural reservoir.

2. 他在那种阴暗、惨白、半明不暗的地方过着非人的生活,他每次转过头颈,想往上看时,便又恐怖又愤怒地看见在自己头上,层层叠叠地有一堆大得可怕的东西,法律、偏见、人和事,堆积如山,直到望不见的高度,崇危峻险,令人心悸,它的形状不是他所能知道的,它的体积使他心胆俱裂,这并不是旁的东西,只是那座不可思议的金字塔,我们所谓的文明。
    In that obscure and wan shadow within which he crawled, each time that he turned his neck and essayed to raise his glance, he perceived with terror, mingled with rage, a sort of frightful accumulation of things, collecting and mounting above him, beyond the range of his vision, -- laws, prejudices, men, and deeds, --whose outlines escaped him, whose mass terrified him, and which was nothing else than that prodigious pyramid which we call civilization.

3. 接引寺接引寺在沿江镇清潭头水库坝下左侧,寺悬崖而建,峻险壮丽。
    Jieyin Temple Built against the cliff, the magnificent and grand temple is on the lft side below the dam of Qingtantou Reservoir in Yanjiang town.

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4. 广西位于祖国南疆,经济开发较晚,再加上高山峻险,交通不便,所以广西城市的发展也相对滞后。
    Guangxi is located in southern China, the economic development is late, coupled with the inconvenient transportation, development of the Guangxi cities is lagging behind.
