

岗警[gǎng jǐng]

词典policeman on point duty[法]岗警。

岗警 汉英大词典

岗警[gǎng jǐng]

policeman on point duty

岗警 双语例句

1. 警署的办公室是一间矮厅,里面有一炉火,有个岗警在看守,还有一扇临街的铁栏玻璃门,沙威走到那里,开了门,和芳汀一道走进去,随后把门关上,使那些好奇的人们大失所望,他们仍旧拥在警署门口那块因保安警察挡着而看不清的玻璃前面,翘足引颈,想看个究竟。
    On arriving at the police station, which was a low room, warmed by a stove, with a glazed and grated door opening on the street, and guarded by a detachment, Javert opened the door, entered with Fantine, and shut the door behind him, to the great disappointment of the curious, who raised themselves on tiptoe, and craned their necks in front of the thick glass of the station-house, in their effort to see.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 因此,如果有相当长时间的火焰暴露,其造成的损害通常被限制在外面的混凝土层,而且,适量的混凝土覆盖为嵌入的岗警提供了充分的热量隔绝。
    Thus, damage caused by even prolonged fire exposure, if any, is generally limited to the outer layer of concrete, and a moderate amount of concrete cover provides sufficient thermal insulation for the embedded reinforcement.

3. 桥上没人,连岗警也不知躲在哪里去了,有几盏电灯被雪花打的仿佛不住的眨眼。
    The bridge was deserted, even the policeman on duty had disappeared somewhere. The falling snow made the few street lamps appear to be blinking.
