

山高皇帝远[shān gāo huáng dì yuǎn]

词典The mountain is high, the emperor far away -- it is difficult to get justice.

山高皇帝远 汉英大词典

山高皇帝远[shān gāo huáng dì yuǎn]

The mountain is high, the emperor far away -- it is difficult to get justice.

山高皇帝远 网络解释

1. 山高皇帝远在线翻译

1. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away:不到长城非好汉A man is not a hero until he reaches ... | 山高皇帝远The mountains are high and the emperor is far away | 不管黑猫白猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white as...

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. sghdy:占人口总数zrkzs | 山高皇帝远sghdy | 八一建军节byjjj

3. ciznjbzdzb:ciznijzb 山高水远 | ciznjbzdzb 山高皇帝远 | ciznzsbg 山高路陡

山高皇帝远 双语例句

1. 山高皇帝远

1. 因为排我们前头的是些门户网站的分支页面,那些页面也许是很久才更新的老页面,或许有些词是山高皇帝远的山沟沟,看不到地主武装的身影。
    Because discharge the branch page that of our thereinbefore is some of portal website, those pages perhaps are very long the old page that just updates, having some of word probably is hill tall emperor's far gully channel, cannot see the landlord arms form.

2. 山高皇帝远

2. 这个地方山高皇帝远,谁也管不了我。
    This is a place beyond the reach of the government, so I am safe from all laws and regulations.

3. 如果不是出身寒微,哪个女孩愿意在一个山高皇帝远的县城里作服务女工。
    If not risen from poverty, which girl in a high mountains to the emperor far county service workers.

4. 山高皇帝远
    Mountains are high and the emperor far away.

5. 潜台词似乎就是,你是山高皇帝远,但那些待在咱国内的人可不敢得罪我们。
    Ever since our entry into China, we have been involved in the local community and its culture.

6. 山高皇帝远在线翻译

6. 他作巡抚,在山西就是土皇上,想着山高皇帝远,做出这种无法无天的欺君之事。
    Assuming that it is a remote place and it is beyond the emperor's reach, he dares to this absolutely lawless thing to deceive me.

7. 面对越来越离心离德有奶便是娘的后期罗马军团,俗话说山高皇帝远,远远座在帝国的中心是无法控制这些戍边罗马军团。
    Constantine's foundation of New Rome on this site reflected its strategic and commercial importance from the earliest times, lying as it does astride both the land route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from the Black or Euxine Sea to the Mediterranean, whilst also being possessed of an excellent and spacious harbour in the Golden Horn.
