

就地取材[jiù dì qǔ cái]

词典obtain raw material locally就地取材。

词典draw on local resources就地取材。

词典engage local men for office就地取材。

词典gather material on the spot就地取材。

就地取材 汉英大词典

就地取材[jiù dì qǔ cái]

obtain raw material locally; draw on local resources; engage local men for office; gather material on the spot; get (one's) raw materials from local sources; make use of indigenous materials; make use of locally available materials; obtain raw materials on


    roadbuilding with local materials

就地取材 网络解释

1. obtain materials from local sources; draw on local resources:就地考察on-the-spot inspection | 就地取材obtain materials from local sources; draw on local resources | 纠风办State Council Office for Rectifying

2. improvise:And then when I got to sona,I couldn't get my pills,so I had to... ( 可是我被关进Sona以后我没办法再拿到这些药片了... | improvise. ( 就地取材 ) | Did you want me to get drugs for you? ( 你是要我帮你弄些...

3. to take whatever is at hand:8.to win sth. Hands down(唾手可得) | 9.to take whatever is at hand(就地取材) | 10.He's an underhanded man.(不光明正大)
