

就便[jiù biàn]

词典at sb.'s convenience就便。

词典while you're at it就便;就手。

就便 汉英大词典

就便[jiù biàn]

at sb.'s convenience; while you're at it:


    Do me a favour, while you're about it, buy me a copy too.

就便 双语例句

1. 我想这将是一个新的技术源泉就便设法。
    I think it will be a handy source of new techniques to try.

2. 就便为这些人死了,也是情愿的!
    People like that are worth dying for.

3. 我一听他讲那种蹩脚英语,就便知道他不是一个土生土长的美国人。
    When I heard him speaking such broken English, I know he was not a native American.

4. 就便的意思

4. 他在一时之间就便成了荒场。
    In one hour she has been brought to ruin!

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 当时事情向坏的放方向发展的时候,人们很容易就便得沮丧了。
    It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad.

6. 就便什么意思

6. 没有了爱,地球就便成了一座坟墓。
    Take away love and our earth is a tomb.

7. 我在想这次台北这场我会放一些浩室`铁客浩室`和铁客诺。然后慢慢的从深沈到强一点的曲风,就便看现场状况噜。
    I'm thinking this time in Taipei to play a mix of house, tech house and techno, building from deeper to harder depending on what the crowd seems to go for.

8. 第八、及时更新和维护体育设施,体育公共场地设施的建设本着普遍受惠、从近、就便的原则,方便农民工参与体育锻炼。
    Eighthly, the sports facilities should be updated and maintained timely. Based on the principles of common benefit, proximity and convenience, the construction of public sports facilities should be convenient for migrant workers to participate in physical training.

9. 就便在线翻译

9. 请帮个忙,就便也替我买一本。
    Do me a favour, while you're about it, buy me a copy too.

10. 就便

10. 我希望不就便能揽你入怀,狂吻你一百万次,艳阳一样挚热的吻。拿破仑的情书??
    I hope to hold you in my arms before long, when i shall lavish upon you a millionkisses, burning as the equatorial sun.

11. 我一听他讲那种蹩脚英语,就便知道他不是一个土生土长的美国人。
      When I heard him speaking such broken english, I know he was not a native american.

12. 但正如我们可能尝试,似乎都有借口不就便演习。
      But try as we might, it seems that there's always a handy excuse to not exercise.

13. 就便什么意思

13. 就便跟牛的一样,只是长得地方更好笑。
      Just like on a cow, but in a more stupid place.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 他们试图偷走帐篷,结果未遂就便策马而去。
      After trying to steal her tent, they rode off.

15. 为了使地方政府更有力有效、就近就便进行经济社会管理,中央要把相应的权力下放给地方。
      The central government should also delegate certain responsibilities to the local governments for them to conduct more robust and effective economic and social management by taking advantage of their close knowledge of local communities.

16. 会变的是岁月,不会变的是友情,拥有一个好友,就便拥有一份温馨。
      The one that will change is years, the ones that will not change are friendship, have a good friend, have a warmth at someone's convenience.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

17. 开挖顺层岩石高边坡,往往需要进行预加固,因而合理确定坡体开挖松动区范围就便成为核心问题。
      Some stabilizing structures must be set before cutting a bedding high rock slope, and how to determinate the range of disturbed zone becomes the key problem.

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. 在井口的装有一个自动计时器,生产周期始于在油管压力和套管压力油套差出现差异时开始一个生产周期,当气流速度量最小时达到最低时,结束该周期终止结束。,这样就便实现了生产的优化,且无加压卸载状态下的生产时间是被最大长化的。
      Production will be optimized with an automated timer at the wellhead that begins the production cycle upon tubing/casing differential and ends the production cycle upon a minimum gas rate. In this manner, production time - in an unloaded state - is maximized.
