

尚方宝剑[shàng fāng bǎo jiàn]


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尚方宝剑 汉英大词典

尚方宝剑[shàng fāng bǎo jiàn]

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尚方宝剑 双语例句

1. 但在随后的剧情中,吴启爵作为尚方宝剑的震慑作用到目前为止还未观察到,但我们相信,吴启爵作为远征在外的施琅和深居紫禁城的康熙之间沟通的桥梁,确实起到了非常积极和重要的作用。
    He therefore suggested this concern during the departure ceremony held by the Emperor, and asked for the Emperor's most favorite housecarl Wu Qijue to join him as an effective symbol of the Emperor's support on him when the disputes arise.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 是政府管理部门管理网吧的一把尚方宝剑
    Be a sword of high power of Internet bar of management of governmental management department?

3. 但我一无如山铁证,二无尚方宝剑
    But even so first I have no proof of the fact.

4. 尚方宝剑的反义词

4. 随着经济的发展,品牌已被认为是企业参与市场竞争的尚方宝剑,一个享有盛誉的品牌,将是企业一笔巨大的财富。
    Along with the economical development, the brand had been considered is the enterprise participates in the market competition the imperial sword, enjoys the high reputation brand, will be enterprise huge wealth.

5. 以其藏于尚方﹐后世俗称尚方宝剑
    Its hidden in the still side, later known as the Imperial Sword.

6. 媒体时评:处理几个官员是降低房价的尚方宝剑
    Media better control: several officials dealing with the imperial sword is lower prices?

7. 尚方宝剑什么意思

7. 不过,直接采用SOA并不能保证项目成功(ESB并不是企业的尚方宝剑!),有些项目根本就不应该采用SOA方法。
    However, simply adopting SOA alone doesn't guarantee a successful project (ESB does not stand for enterprise silver bullet!), and some projects should not adopt an SOA approach at all.

8. 她建议已婚夫妇小心择友,结识离婚者越多,对个人婚姻便越不利,子女更不是避免离婚的尚方宝剑
    She suggested that married couples carefully deal with them, get to know more divorce, marriage, the more detrimental to individuals, children, nor the most powerful weapon to avoid divorce.
