

小鸟依人[xiǎo niǎo yī rén]

词典as a little bird rests upon a man -- a timid and lovable little woman [child]

词典Mad About Music[电影]小鸟依人。

小鸟依人 汉英大词典

小鸟依人[xiǎo niǎo yī rén]

as a little bird rests upon a man -- a timid and lovable little woman [child]

小鸟依人 网络解释

1. Phoenix:04.闷骚 Immanent | 05.小鸟依人 Phoenix | 06.醉人的芬芳 Lushfragrance

2. Never Fear:Never Cry Wolf 豺狼计划 | Never Fear 小鸟依人 | Never Give an Inch 永不让步

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. XNYIREN:5、天香网 TXIANG | 7、小鸟依人 XNYIREN | 8、玲珑网 LINLO

4. 小鸟依人的翻译

4. Mad About Music:1938 汤姆历险记 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | 1938 小鸟依人 Mad About Music | 1938 孤儿乐园 Boys Town

小鸟依人 双语例句

1. 小鸟依人

1. 和她在一起的还有一个男的,她小鸟依人地挽着他的手。
    And there is a man with her, and she Xiaoniaoyiren to Accompanied his hand.

2. 他太攻了。看吧,我很小鸟依人的。
    He's the man! See? I'm lovely.

3. 而她给我的感觉就像我女友小鸟依人一样
    But she give me the feeling like girl friend also

4. 女人,有几个不想做撒娇听话小鸟依人的贤妻良母?
    Arant all woman want to be a good mother and wife?

5. 女人用两个极端的方式管你索要宽厚与温情:小鸟依人,歇斯底里。
    Woman with two extreme ways of your request with the warmth and generosity: Xiaoniaoyiren, hysterical.

6. 小鸟依人是什么意思

6. 你拿起签字笔,却看到了身边那个小鸟依人的女人那渴盼而期待的眼睛。
    You pick up the pen signatures, but the side of the River to see women eager and look forward to the eyes.

7. 小鸟依人的近义词

7. 我对这种人的心理比较了解,这种男同中明显是偏男的,肯定喜欢征服其他男人的快感,于是我就装出小鸟依人的姿态,嗲声嗲气地问他是做什么的。
    As far as I understood, this kind of men would appreciate to be satisfied in overriding and controlling people, so I asked in seductive voice what his major was.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 温柔不是发嗲,也不全是小鸟依人
    That is the task assigned by the super nature.

9. 我将她一丝不挂地紧紧拥着,而她则小鸟依人地靠在我的臂弯里,而我们则使用只有彼此才能听懂的秘语呢喃着私人的情话。
    And the shadow of that substance coloured the faces, the eyes, the skin of the people gathered in the harbour.

10. 伊丽莎白偎贴在我身边,真是小鸟依人
    Elizabeth is snuggling up to me, exactly like a sweet and helpless bird.

11. 小鸟依人什么意思

11. 我将她一丝不挂地紧紧拥着,而她则小鸟依人地靠在我的臂弯里,而我们则使用只有彼此才能听懂的秘语呢喃着私人的情话。
      So if nothing had happened, I probably would have stayed with the company for the foreseeable future. And my life, like the Moldau River - more precisely the nameless water that makes up the Moldau River - would have continued to flow, ever so swiftly, into the sea.

12. 女人么?既然是小女人,就该是细腰嫩肉,小鸟依人般的深居闺中,依靠男人而生活。
      Since it is a small woman, slender waist in relation to a meat tenderizer, Xiaoniaoyiren stayed indoors like Gui that relying on men and life.

13. 小鸟依人的翻译

13. 永远别在他的同事和朋友面前让他下不来台,哪怕你恨的咬牙切齿,也要笑的面如桃花,小鸟依人
      Forever in his other colleagues and friends before he Xiabulaitai, even if you hate the Yaoyaqiechi, but also laugh-such as peach, Xiaoniaoyiren.

14. 小鸟依人什么意思

14. 从女儿小鸟依人地斜倚老爸肩头挑衅的目光,我读懂了我的幸福。
      The innocent girl from her father's shoulders to recline provocative eyes, I read my happiness.

15. 小鸟依人的反义词

15. 芙蓉走过去站在比尔身边,用含情脉脉、小鸟依人的目光看着他,哈利从心底里希望这种眼神以后永远别在他脸上出现。
      Fleur walked over to stand beside him, giving him a soppy, slavish look that Harry hoped with all his heart would never appear on his face again.

16. 为什么那么喜欢中国女孩子呢?因为她们温柔贤良、小鸟依人,还是什么别的原因?
      Why do you like Chinese girl so much? Is it because they are virtuous and lovable?

17. 可那些姑娘都是弱不禁风小鸟依人型的。
      But those girls were all weak and clinging types.

18. 阿梅平静的语气之中流露出一点欷歔:「女人事业太好,在感情上总是失败,男人觉得你好多o野都掂,唔够小鸟依人
      In Ah Mui's calm tone, one will sense there is some regret
