

小郎[xiǎo lánɡ]




小郎 双语例句

1. 怒发冲冠的副连长向黄小郎举起了右手
    The deputy commander of the feeling of small yellow Lang raised his right hand...

2. 小郎

2. 他左胳膊骨折,部队官兵把他放在小木板上抬出的时候,小郎铮举起右手给救援的叔叔们敬了少先队礼。
    His name is Lang Zheng. While the troop put him on a simple wood slat, the broken left arm made him cry.

3. Target enemy (小郎注:这里应该小虎兄分错了吧,应该还是描述盾击的效果
    Shield Bash - A defensive skill that bashes the warrior's target with his shield with a chance to stun for a few seconds.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 也许她会把我当做哪个阵亡的爱人,我们于是一同走进旅馆的前门,看门人连忙摘帽,我找掌柜的拿钥匙,她则站在电梯边等,随后我们一同走进电梯,电梯开得很慢,的的嗒嗒地过了一层又一层,到了我们那一层时,小郎打开门,站在一边,她走出去,我走出去,一同顺着走廊走,我拿钥匙去开门,门开了,我们进去,拿下电话机,吩咐他们送一瓶装在放满冰块的银桶子里的卡普里白葡萄酒来,你听得见走廊上有冰块碰着提桶的响声,小郎敲敲门,我就说请放在门外。
    Maybe she would pretend that I was her boy that was killed and we would go in the front door and the porter would take off his cap and I would stop at the concierge's desk and ask for the key and she would stand by the elevator and then we would get in the elevator and it would go up very slowly clicking at all the floors and then our floor and the boy would open the door and stand there and she would step out and I would step out and we would walk down the hall and I would put the key in the door and open it and go in and then take down the telephone and ask them to send a bottle of Capri bianca in a silver bucket full of ice and you would hear the ice against the pail coming down the corridor and the boy would knock and I would say leave it outside the door please.

5. 小郎的翻译

5. 战友们发现,副连长已经泪如雨下,但给黄小郎的,却是一个标准的军礼。
    Arms found that the deputy company commander had succeeded, but the small yellow Lang, it is a standard ceremony.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 然而,黄小郎如同一尊蜡象,没有一点反应。
    However, Mr Lang as small as a candle, not 1:00 reaction.
