

Small moth;
小蛾 双语例句

1. 小蛾的反义词

1. 实际上,这只小蛾一生都只能在地上爬行,拖着它瘦小的身躯和一对萎靡的翅膀,永远也飞不起来。
    In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life crawling around

2. 在野外,我们看见牠们猎食小蛾、鱼和蟑螂。
    In the wild we saw them feeding on small moths, silverfish and cockroaches.

3. 在茶叶和咖啡等植物上滋生的印度小蛾
    Small Indian moth infesting e. g. tea and coffee plants.

4. 出于好心,这个人决定帮帮小蛾
    The man, in his kindness, decided to help the moth.

5. 这个。。。我不是怕唐晓峰,我是怕小蛾!!
    This is a beautiful sword!

6. 对广东省鹤山和东莞莲花山自然保护区的小蛾类昆虫进行调查,计有8科35属43种。其中广东新记录种14种。
    Smaller moths of He Mountain and Lianhua Mountain of Dongguan City were recorded. They are belonged to 8 families, 35 genera, 43 species, including 14 newly recorded species of Guangdong Province.

7. 小蛾

7. 在茶叶和咖啡等植物上滋生的印度小蛾
    Small Indian moth infesting e.g. tea and coffee plants.
