

小花脸[xiǎo huā liǎn]



词典clown in Chinese operas小花脸。

小花脸 汉英大词典

小花脸[xiǎo huā liǎn]

buffoon; clown in Chinese operas

小花脸 网络解释

1. 小花脸的解释

1. clown:cheat,逃脱,作弊,骗/子 | clown,丑角,粗汉,村夫,小花脸 | deceive,蒙蔽,欺骗,欺诈,行骗,哄骗做

2. Send In The Clowns:08.We've Got Tonight 擁抱今夜 | 09.Send In The Clowns 小花臉 | 10.Stay With Me Till Dawn 伴我到天明

小花脸 双语例句

1. 小花脸的反义词

1. 带着红红的,有点肿的过敏脸回家了,像个小花脸似的,哎。。。
    At about 5` clock I reached home.

2. 又叫小花脸,在鼻梁眼窝间勾画脸谱,多扮演滑稽调笑式的人物。
    The defining characteristic of this type of face paint is a small patch of white chalk around the nose.

3. 小花脸在线翻译

3. 丑角演员中的小花脸也会在脸上画一些色彩,但这不同于净角的脸谱。
    Chou characters wear special face paint, called xiaohualian, that differs from that of Jing characters.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 一般而言。评剧只有小生,小但,小花脸,但因角色的不同,会有变化。
    Traditionally Pingju makes use of just a xiaosheng, a xiaodan, and a xiaohualian, though it has since diversified with the use of other roles as well.

5. 这个年轻小花脸的科白是经过名师传授的。
    This young Hualian learned his actions and speaking skills from a famous master.
