


词典extra work[经] 加班,加工。

小活儿 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 最后还有一个小活儿要做,就是把帽穗从四方帽的一个角拉到对角固定好——就像是为一个全新的世界打开大门一样。
    Then there is the simple task of posing a 11 tassel from one side of a hat to the other. It`s like opening a door to an entirely new world.

2. 是啊,我只能干点儿小活儿,是不是?
    Yeah, and I only get the leftovers, is that it?

3. 也许您有些零碎的小活儿我能帮得上忙?
    Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with?

4. 但现在不得不把目光盯向国内,大活儿少了小活儿也得接。
    But now had to focus its eye on the domestic, large work less have to take a small job.

5. 小活儿什么意思

5. 心底善良的Rachel,总会把好多小活儿交给他干;日子不象人们想象中的那样、过得折磨人得慢,不过对Simon来说,这更证明了他只能永远象个驮马一样,被人从马厩里牵出去,干那些拖车拉货的苦力活,直到他老得再也干不动了,就会被再带回马厩,用Shem裂开的棒槌把他的头敲烂。
    Rachel, with a form of mercy in mind, found a series of petty tasks to which he could turn his hand; the days did not pass as excruciatingly slowly as they might have, but to Simon it seemed only more proof that he was to be a draft horse forever. He would fetch and haul until he was too old to labor any longer, then be taken out back and knocked on the head with Shem's splintered mallet.

6. 二牛叔当会计,我去小树苗中拔草,学扦插、学嫁接,比生产队活儿轻。
    I went to pull up weeds between saplings as well as studying cuttage, grafting while Uncle Erniu did the accounting.

7. 小活儿的近义词

7. 想想看,那些清洁地板、擦洗烧烤架、修剪草坪、给植物浇水、换猫砂和吸地毯的家务活儿&更妙的是,还能哄哄小婴儿,逗逗大孩子。
    Think washing floors, scrubbing the grill, cutting the lawn, watering plants, changing cat litter, vacuuming the carpet & and, for good measure, pacifying the baby and entertaining the older children.

8. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
    Making a petit point pillow is exacting work.

9. 小活儿

9. 就这样小汉斯为磨坊主干了一件又一件活儿,而磨坊主只说了许多关于友谊的漂亮话。
    So little Hans did one thing after another for the Miller and the Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about friendship.

10. 小活儿是什么意思

10. 辍学后两年,闫曾跟她一起做些缝衣服的小活儿,很勤快。
    After dropping out of school for two years, Yan told her to do with sewing a small family on very diligent.
