

将功补过[jiāng gōng bǔ guò]

词典make amends for previous faults by some good services将功补过。

词典atone for one's past crimes将功补过。

词典expiate and atone for one's wrongdoing by zealous service to the country

词典lenient consideration for a person's mistakes in view of his past [future] achievements

将功补过 汉英大词典

将功补过[jiāng gōng bǔ guò]

make amends for previous faults by some good services; atone for one's past crimes; expiate and atone for one's wrongdoing by zealous service to the country; lenient consideration for a person's mistakes in view of his past [future] achievements; make amen

将功补过 网络解释

1. cleanse the palate:00:19:36 好主意 yes, that's a great idea. | 00:19:39 将功补过 cleanse the palate. | 00:19:40 就这么干 怎么做? let's do it. what?

将功补过 双语例句

1. 棕猴抖擞精神出现在滚滚红尘中,早晨6:00开始率领孩儿们到树上操练;7:00吃了一公斤香蕉、两大杯菠萝汁做为早餐。8:00到猴办报到,这个弼马温的角色做了多年,已是轻车熟路,沏上一杯龙井,一股清香飘致鼻前,正端杯欲饮,电话零声大作,猴王微怒:外族觊觎我方水土,抢走我雌猴若干名,偷走我水果若干公斤,你办事不利,需将功补过,戴罪立功,速速办来!
    Palm monkey brace up in appearing in billow to the word of mortals, in the morning 6:00 begin to lead child people drill to the tree; 7:00 ate juice of pineapple of a kilogram of banana, two dock-glass as breakfast. 8:00 run a newspaper to monkey, this assists Ma Wen's part was done old, already was do something one knows well, on the make tea one cup of Dragon Well tea, a faint scent waves before sending bazoo, carrying cup desire drink, phone 0 your work, monkey king miff: People not of the same clan covets our natural environment, reave me female monkey a certain number of names, spirit away my fruit a certain number of kilogram, you handle affairs adverse, need make amends for one's fault by good deeds, atone for one's crimes by doing, fast fast do!

2. 将功补过

2. 我很愿意把家装方面的黑心事揭一揭,让消费者少一点上当,也算是我良心发现,将功补过吧。
    I am willing to uncover the black worry of domestic outfit respect very much, make consumer a bit less be duped, also be me to stung by conscience, make amends for one's fault by good deeds.

3. 法国队开局有利。开赛7分钟,马卢达突入意大利禁区,被马特拉齐绊倒,赢得点球。齐达内主罚命中,法国队1-0领先。仅仅12分钟以后,马特拉齐就将功补过,接皮尔洛开出的角球高高跃起头球破门,将比分扳成1-1平。这个比分一直保持到加时赛,虽然齐达内在第110分钟被红牌罚下,但英勇的法国队还是将比赛拖进了点球大战。
    It was Italy's first successful shoot-out in a FIFA World Cup after previous failures in 1990, 1994 and 1998 and ironically it was a miss from France`s David Trezeguet – whose golden goal had defeated the Azzurri in the final of UEFA EURO 2000 – that opened the door for Fabio Grosso to fire the winning spot-kick past Fabien Barthez and spark celebrations all the way from Bergamo to Bari.

4. 他有机会将功补过
    He has a chance to make things right.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 我们 sSBbWw 应该让他将功补过
    We should let him make up for his mistakes.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 我们应当让他们将功补过
    We should let them make up for their mistakes.

7. 我们应当让他们将功补过
    We should let them wafee up for their mistakes.

8. 将功补过

8. 才是我将功补过的最后机会
    Is my last shot at redemption.

9. 将功补过是什么意思

9. 真相大白之后,我立刻为我的过失将功补过
    I make amends for my mistakes immediately after the truth comes out.

10. 将功补过

10. 利用统计指标考察和评价控制区域的长期表现,有利于控制区域将功补过,可以节约大量的能源消耗,也可有效地避免反调现象的产生。
    Studying and evaluating long-term performance of the control area with statistical indicators, will help the control area " to atone ", you can save a lot of energy consumption, but also effectively avoid the phenomenon of anti-tune the production.

11. 将功补过的翻译

11. 现在他至少可以有两次机会可以将功补过
      Now he might get at least two chances to make amends.

12. 将功补过

12. 让他们利用自己的技能将功补过,为了一个目的,而非私利。
      Let them serve their penance by using their skills for a purpose other than self gain.

13. 将功补过在线翻译

13. 许多人会说,向令人费解的理论模型转变,让经济学脱离了普罗大众。或许,萨缪尔森著名的经济学教科书起到了将功补过的作用。
      Many would say that the move towards impenetrable theoretical models has alienated economics from a wider audience. Perhaps his renowned textbook evened the score.

14. 吉尔在曼联的下次进攻中几乎将功补过,他给斯图尔特的传球几乎形成必杀。
      Gill almost made amends for his foul in United's next attack, feeding Stewart for another crack at goal that unfortunately flew wide of the frame.

15. 利用统计指标考察和评价控制区域的长期表现,有利于控制区域将功补过,可以节约大量的能源消耗,也可有效地避免反调现象的产生。
      Studying and evaluating long-term performance of the control area with statistical indicators, will help the control area " to atone ", you can save a lot of energy consumption, but also effectively avoid the phenomenon of anti-tune the production.
