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寻师 双语例句

1. 他四处寻师拜友,以求解救之道。
    He roamed from place to place and visited famous teachers in many places so as to find a way out.

2. 因此,告别西方洋老师,又返归到东方历史长河寻师,从而选择了自己道路,让自己笔下的画即有东方泥土的芬芳,又从总体视觉到细部体验到渗透其中的当代意识。
    Therefore, teachers bid farewell to the Western Ocean, but also to the East返归search history division, which has chosen its own path, so that their own works of art that is fragrant Oriental soil, and from the overall visual experience to penetrate the details of the contemporary consciousness.

3. 此次张老师带领五位分别来自希腊、捷克、日本、葡萄牙、荷兰的弟子观看比赛,其中来自希腊的Yannis EaQatis 和来自捷克的Martin Bouska习练泰拳和西方搏击技术多年,于2007年来到中国寻师习武。
    Kungfu practitioners Yannis EaQatis from Greece and Martin Bouska from the Czech Republic had been studying Muay Thai and Western fighting techniques for many years, and in 2007, they came to China in pursue of Chinese traditional Wushu.

4. 兰多·卡瑞辛和玛拉帮他寻师多年,终于在埃克索克伦星球找到了卡达斯。埃克索克伦星球位于遥远的卡索尔星区。
    Lando Calrissian and Mara helped in the years-long quest, and eventually Car'das was tracked down to Exocron, a world in the distant Kathol sector.

5. 他对寻师访道感到失望后,并不灰心;他意志坚定,下定决心独自去探求真理。
    He was not discouraged though he met with disappointment.

6. 寻师的翻译

6. 乐羊子听了妻子的话,非常惭,就把那块金子扔到野外,然后到远方去寻师求学。
    He returned to the place where he had found the gold and put it back, then bid farewell to his wife and went away to study and seek wisdom.
