

富贵荣华[fù guì róng huá]


词典riches, honour and splendor

词典high position and great wealth荣华富贵;富贵荣华。

词典wealth and worldly glory富贵荣华。

富贵荣华 汉英大词典

富贵荣华[fù guì róng huá]

riches, honour and splendor; high position and great wealth; wealth and worldly glory

富贵荣华 网络解释

1. Riches:富贵荣华 Riches (1937) | 杨柳村 They Are from Willow Village (1937) | 王先生奇侠传 Mr.Wang Asks for A God (1936)

2. 富贵荣华的反义词

2. Brother Four:Brother Cry for Me 忠奸老實人 | Brother Four 富貴榮華 | The Brothers Under The Skin 遁甲奇兵

3. 富贵荣华

3. riches; honor and splendor:富贵浮云--regard honor and riches as floating clouds | 富贵荣华--riches; honor and splendor | 富贵勿易--no riches or honors would move someone

4. FGRH.DN:FDZL.DN房产租赁、发财之路 | FGRH.DN富贵荣华 | FLBG.DN风流八卦

富贵荣华 双语例句

1. 富贵荣华的翻译

1. 希则克雅享尽富贵荣华,建造了府库,储藏金银、宝石、香料、盾牌和各种珍器
    He had treasuries made for his silver, gold, precious stones, spices, jewels, and other precious things of all kinds

2. 在她右边是延年益寿,在她左边是富贵荣华
    Long life is in her right hand, in her left are riches and honor

3. 在宫中她不为富贵荣华所打动,洁身自好,深得众人欣赏。
    She was not in the palace for the rich splendor of the move, Clean living, won the public to enjoy.

4. 同时,人们认为绿松石具有神奇的魔力,它可以镇宅避邪,是吉祥富贵荣华永恒的象征。
    At the same time, people think the magic of turquoise has a magical, it can house the town of evil, is the eternal symbol of riches and honor good fortune.

5. 史记》在具体到士形象的再现时,则倾向于剔除为富贵荣华努力的过程及心态的正面描述,把这种行为精神化了。
    Ran-nuo, which is the basic principle that people must abide by in their actions, is the rational spirit inherited from the civilizations of ancient times.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 对永生的笃定把握,使我们看淡红尘,不再嫉妒恶人得势,知道他们今时的富贵荣华,只不过是镜花水月,到头来总归一场空,因在审判台前,恶人必站不住脚。
    The deathblow of envy is a calm consideration of the future.

7. 富贵荣华

7. 不同阶级和家族在取名时,不仅注意到姓与名的结构和组合,还要考虑到其中的寓意,包括富贵荣华、升官发财之类的世俗意义。
    In naming, people from different classes pay attention to not only the combinations of the surnames and the names but also their implications: honour, wealth, promotion, etc.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 菲利普?科根:几十年的富贵荣华之后,富人们现也落入漫长的囊中羞涩之境了。
    After decades of prospering mightily, the wealthy may now be in for an extended period of austerity, says Philip Coggan interviewed here

9. 这儿象征着人生富贵荣华的起点和终点;
    Here was a type of the beginning and the end of human pomp and power;

10. 在她右边是延年益寿,在她左边是富贵荣华
    Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and glory.

11. 古代的很多皇帝,在富贵荣华圆满之后,都会想方设法寻找长生不老的灵丹妙药。
      Many ancient emperors, having reached the pinnacle of their power and glory, would search at any cost for an elixir that could endow them with everlasting life.

12. 富贵荣华的解释

12. 而耶酥基督为拯救世人,甘愿被钉死在十字架上;释迦牟尼舍弃皇室的富贵荣华,走入苦难众生之间。
      On the other hand, Jesus Christ volunteered to be crucified in order to save the world, and Buddha abandoned his royal life to suffer together with the poor and unfortunate.
