

富态[fù tài]


富态 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. plump; stout; fat/ A polite way to address someone who is overweight:富婆 rich or wealthy married woman | 富态 plump; stout; fat/ A polite way to address someone who is overweight | 嘎嘣脆 crisp and neat; clear-cut; prompt; to act or speak nattily and promptly

富态 双语例句

1. 富态的反义词

1. 她手中那把大扇子不住地朝她那热腾腾的脸、脖子和富富态态的身躯上扇着。
    Her large fan winnows wind towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint.

2. 富态

2. 有一天,城郊的寺庙里来了一位很富态的中年妇人。
    One day, on the outskirts of the town to the temple, a very rich middle-aged woman.

3. 她太富态了,穿不下这件衣服。
    She is too plump to fit into this dress.

4. 觉得她很有富态,是个有福气的女人。
    I think that as a symbol of being blessed.

5. 她渐渐富态了。
    She's growing rather''.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 两个月后,其一骨瘦如柴、挨了不少揍,另一个却显得很富态
    Two months later, one lion is scrawny and beat up, the other is fat and happy.

7. 尤其现在的陆涛已经明显的有了中年男子的臃肿与富态
    In particular, the Lu Tao has now obvious middle-aged man with the bloated and rich state.

8. 富态是什么意思

8. 大块头,加大号,丰满,富态,没人,甚至我自己都。。。
    Large and plus-sized, full-figured and rubenesque. And no one, not even me...

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 他的名字叫XXX。他是安徽合县人。他的个头比我矮,体行比较富态
    His name is XXXX, the native of He county in Anhui Province.
